Returning to the toolbox, I feel sick

Started by 1footouttadefog, September 10, 2021, 09:42:30 PM

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 For some time now I have been feeling a tug to return to the toolbox, and review the things I found there many years ago now.

I have put it off as I suppose it will trigger alot of memories from a worse time.

I need to return and brush up on things and it makes me feel sick.

Anyone else have such a feeling about the wonderful toolbox.


I will say... I review the toolbox more than I want to, but probably not as often as I need to.

Hang in there. You at least got a bit of a break and some space to breathe and recalibrate before your H comes home. Very good time to open and reorganize the trusty (rusty?) old toolbox.  :bighug:


I think feeling avoidant at times is natural.

I have to admit, I am in a similar position with the toolbox right now but not for the same reasons.....
I have been away from my PDx for 14 months, 12 days.
I feel some abrasion and discomfort surfacing in other relationships lately and I know I need to revisit and sharpen up some of the tools which have grown rusty. I feel sure I am using some of them incorrectly and it may be I have been developing some bad habits. I also suspect I may be exhibiting some of the 100 traits since the only common denominator in these relationships is..... (sigh)..... me!  :unsure: