Not expecting much help anytime soon

Started by ADDnotBPD, April 21, 2019, 09:58:10 AM

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I live in Canada. Socialized medicine is mostly a good thing but it has a pervasive effect on psychiatric care. For one thing a psychiatric patient cannot choose his doctor. The very act of wanting to seek a second opinion pegs one as querulous and any psychiatrist you see will be able to access your old files and just concur with his or her eminent colleague. Basically, once you have been branded bdp, ANY psychiatric or even neurological symptom you may display is automatically viewed as evidence of the disorder. Not being particularly convinced I have BPD is a sign of maladaptive patterns of evading reality, being strictly incapable of pronouncing the phrase "I have borderline personnality disorder" with a straight face is an example   of "being difficult"

But I do not have bdp and I am not one of these tyrannical people described in these posts. I probably have both dependent and avoidant personnality disorder(s) as I present with a  majority of the symptoms that characterize these disorders. My mother definitely has it but I happen be take after my dad way more.
The only symptoms I do have are impulsivity, irritability and boredom but all of these symptoms are also compatible with an ADD disorder.
I do not suffer from cognitives distortions, I do not split, I do not make frantic attempts, nor manipulative suicide attempts. But I have been branded and because of this, CPS will take away my child and place him with his super-narcissistic social-climber of a grand-mother because that's like way better.

Is there no escaping this?

Understand how incredibly stigmatizing this diagnosis is. Understand that once you have been diagnosed with this disorder, none of what you say or think or believe about your own mental health will be taken into consideration because you will be pegged as difficult or querulous. I feel so offended that this is what they think of me.


What are you saying with this omission.

Spring Butterfly

Welcome to Out of the FOG and congratulations for taking that first step and reaching out. We merged your two posts, per guidelines members have one welcome mat post. Because you have identified yourself as someone who is diagnosed PD and are interested in finding a supporting community I would encourage you to look at this information for support:

Out of the FOG is a community dedicated to offering support and information to people who have a loved one or family member who suffers from a personality disorder. Because of this you may find many of the posts as well as forum structure here triggering.

That doesn't necessarily exclude those who also have a PD from participating but the rule is that we come here to discuss our relationship issues as they pertain to the other people in our lives with a PD and not PD recovery issues as they pertain to the self. If you suffer from, or suspect you suffer from a personality disorder,  we welcome your participation as long as the discussion still revolves around dealing with the loved ones in your life with a PD and not on your own recovery from a PD.

We wish you the best on your healing journey.
Every interaction w/ PD persons results in damage — prep beforehand and make time after to heal
blog for healing