Is this a form of dissociation?

Started by 11JB68, March 21, 2019, 09:36:38 PM

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Misremembering with whom one had a particular conversation or experience?
e.g. 'don't you remember when we had so much fun talking and laughing about x?'
(No,because that wasn't me....that was the previous person whom you drove away by bullying/scapegoating her)


It is a form of disconnection or disassociation.  But to be sure, are you certain you had that conversation that you are referring to?

I've noticed that some people have tagged me with a few things that I really don't remember.  For example, one my sister's friends who is a hair dresser remembers one time when I was at his salon about how I asked for real milk, not that powder stuff.  I really don't recall saying that.

My mother has a habit of conflating things.  I had mentioned to her while I was on college that I joined an organization at a neighboring university in the city.  Decades, somehow that morphed into "I received a degree from that university."  I also think that she likes talking about my degrees because the subtext is "look at how much money I spend in education through my daughter."

One time were were watching a music documentary and Mick Jagger was one of the people interviewed. My mother just had to say "And SWM goes to their concerts all the time."  I have never been to a Rolling Stones concert.

And so on.......

but I do agree there is some "forgetfulness" that I will put down to someone intending to make you feel uncomfortable; on the outs with them ; and / or to convince you that they are not responsible for whatever you are talking about.