weird ways to punish me

Started by losingmyself, September 07, 2022, 11:18:47 AM

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So, I have to admit that I am a smart-ass. Can't help it, but I know when to use it, and when not to. Often times things come to mind that I have to say "Oh, that's funny, but probably won't be well received".
That said, I have to share a thing that happened last night, just for the record.
H was putting his phone on the charger, and there were a few things on the counter, all I saw was a paper towel. He said "Do you think you could put more stuff in this space?" Of course, I said "Well, yeah. I'm sure I could" Because I am a smart-ass. And I thought it was funny. Because I'm hilarious ;D
This angered H, because, apparently I am beneath him and how dare I speak so disrespectfully to him. I got scolded for being smart-ass-y. And he said "Oh, fine, then I'll start putting sh%^& on here, too!"
And he went over to the door and got his dirty work shoes and put them there! On the kitchen counter top. wow. He works in a scrapyard, these are NOT clean shoes.
I said "Did you just put your shoes on the counter??"
"Yeah...So what???"
I recognized that he wanted to start a fight, so I just backed off, fully intending to take a picture of it. He got up after a while and put them back on the floor.
I guess I just wanted this written down, and I will be writing this in my journal and telling my sister when I see her. Who does that????


Oh, I' m so sorry you have experienced this.
But it proves the point: unfortunately PDs don't welcome sense of humor and a smart partner.
It's a sad fact of life.

Cat of the Canals

Quote from: losingmyself on September 07, 2022, 11:18:47 AM
He said "Do you think you could put more stuff in this space?" Of course, I said "Well, yeah. I'm sure I could" Because I am a smart-ass. And I thought it was funny. Because I'm hilarious ;D

In your defense, I'd file this under, "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." He asked a snarky, sarcastic question and didn't like that he got the same back? Maybe he should stop dishing it out, then.


Seemed like a simple question. Yes, there was plenty of room to put more sh%%^t.
But I am supposed to remember that I am beneath him, and am not allowed to talk back.  It would never occur to him to stop dishing it out, because he is entitled to say anything he feels.
He has been particularly mean to me the last few days, and I don't know how I can take even one more day. I can't even look at him.


I am so sorry. That is incredibly childish and plain gross!
Are you able to go out for a walk to clear your head and create some physical space for a few hours?