"Childhood Disrupted - How your biography becomes your biology..." Donna Jackson

Started by LucyLocket, February 26, 2017, 10:51:44 PM

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Childhood Disrupted - How your biography becomes your biology, and how you can heal
by Donna Jackson Nakazawa

I just finished this book and found it quite useful. The author talks about how childhood trauma (including having PD parents) can lead to mental and physical health problems later in life, and in the second part of the book, discusses ways to overcome and heal. It's along similar lines to Dr. Bessel van der Kolk's book "The Body keeps the Score" (which I think is a fantastic book) but the focus is more on the science of negative experiences in childhood/teenage years, and how that affects our brains, hormones and proclivity to depression/anxiety or autoimmune diseases in adulthood.

There's also a chapter on parenting well when you haven't been parented well, which has some good advice and reassurance for parents who didn't have good parent role models, and who don't want to make the same mistakes with their own kids.

It's a bit heavy on the research/science side of things, however does have a good variety of personal stories that I found I could relate to even when their experience had been different to mine.

Definitely a good book for those who experienced PD's in their childhood, because it does affect you differently if your experiences with dysfunctional/toxic PD's began in childhood, as your brain is still developing. The parenting chapter is probably a good read for any parent though, it has some great advice in there.


Looks interesting.

Does it name any work that can be done to cure the affects of being raised in that environment?