Her words have left scars

Started by GravityOfBeauty, April 16, 2022, 01:43:23 PM

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A new era. This is the third consecutive day my uBPDw has ever screamed the words with such loathing "I hate you." I can't unhear it. Her words echo between my ears, seared into my mind. I feel numb. The wounds are deep. Sometimes I still feel guilt and question my motives.

"I say those things because I need more love."

How much longer will I endure this? My body tells me no more. Yet, here I am. I'm working toward a plan, though. Slowly but surely the day will come. It will shatter her fragile world. As for mine, it is already broken but I cling tightly to hope.

I share this not to play victim but as a means to bear witness to the paradox that is my life.

Associate of Daniel

I'm sorry, Gravity.

I've come to shudder at the saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."

It's the intent behind the sticks and stones (physical abuse) that takes longer to heal from.  So words stay with us longer.

It does get better as time moves on. Especially once we are living a life seperate from our abusers.

Their past words and our accompanying pain fade and are put into perspective, and their new words eventually become water off a duck's back.

The journey to get to that point can be long and difficult, but so worth it.