Cushing's Syndrome

Started by Sweetbriar, February 27, 2020, 08:33:27 AM

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I am wondering if anyone knows anything about Cushing's. Someone mentioned it in a post I read a week ago and I had never heard of it.
But after reading about it, I have so many symptoms. I am off to the doctor today. I have rosacea, weight gain in the middle and the so called "elephant hump" at the back of my neck.

I began doing zumba last September and I fell in love. It was so great because I had had a year of back pain a few years ago, where I could barely walk for a year and finally I found an exercise that I not only loved, it didn't hurt my back. So I became a little obsessed and began to go about 4 X a week. I also walk daily because I have dogs, so I get about 7000 or more steps per day. All that said, I keep gaining weight. And I am adding, I eat very well. I am about 80 % vegetarian and if I eat meat it is organic chicken or wild salmon. I have also pushed a lot more vegetables into my diet and I eat fried foods as a treat maybe once every two weeks. I don't drink alcohol, because it flares my rosacea.

So why am I the most overweight person in my zumba class? You would think I would have begun to drop a few pounds, or the jeans might have felt more loose, but this is not happening!

I am so frustrated and I wonder if it is because my cortisol levels are messing me up. I'll be going to doctor today to see what he has to say about this.

But because someone mentioned Cushing's I am now wondering if this all fits together.

The worst part of this for me, was when I went to an exercise class (interval training) because I wanted to try to something different and more intense for to get some weight loss, and the I said cheerfully to the instructor that I wanted to lose the middle fat, he looked at me and said, "You should avoid over eating...." Yeah. Right. I felt like crying. I rarely over eat. If I eat a dessert, it is a piece of dark chocolate with my tea (no sugar.)

I am so so frustrated having no control over this.


HI Sweetbriar, I love Zumba too!

That's not cool of that instructor to comment on overeating, seems they were implying you were engaging in that.
Anyone telling you what you do (or implying) rather than asking is not in the right.
You know your truth - hold onto that.

Hope the doctor goes well today, hoping you get some answers.


Thanks Oscan,

Zumba is a revelation to me. I'm glad you get it. I also get a lot out of yoga, although I had to find the right teacher before I fell in love with it. I think because I love music, zumba though is especially therapeutic for me. I can't figure out why, but I get so happy doing it, even though I'm not very good. I think there is something to both zumba and yoga that are healing some deep bodies trauma I've been carrying.

Thanks for your kind response.