Setting boundaries and getting abuse

Started by Fedup2020, January 17, 2020, 02:14:56 PM

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Quote from: Fedup2020 on February 26, 2020, 03:11:02 AM
Honestly, if I knew of the best way to block her from contacting any of us, I would. I just dont know how to do it.
My younger son knew she had blocked him as he could no longer contact her during their conversation.
If I tried stopping him talking to her he would find new ways.
Do you have any ideas on a different way?
All I feel I can do at the minute is explain what she is doing when she is doing it, how it's not right or acceptable. That I wont accept it anymore and they shouldn't accept it either.
I'm going to hit up more Jerry wise videos about unmeshment.
Thanks again peanutbutter
Oh fedup I know you are doing all you can do. Im so sorry you are going through this. I do think your plan is enough to change the dynamic. Its just a slow process.
Dont forget self care. Its so hard to remember for me sometimes.
A very very painful thing for me to accept and go through was that i could not protect my children from all manipulations and all pd persons all the time. Its so hard wathcing them learn the painful truth the hard way about persons supposed to love them who are letting them down.
This is my struggle so I think I was triggered by your post because I have that wound.
Usually I use visualization techniques of an awesome outcome for them even when its uncertian. I think about that they are children of a higher power. They will be cared for the same way I was. I feel I did have a higher power supporting me especially when my FOO and religous orginazation I was raised in both failed me. So I believe even though it is totally out of my influence now that it can still work out wonderfully. Even when they have pdF and pdGP.
I did learn about enmeshment from Jerry Wise. I learned that because my parents had disorders they used enmeshment as 'love'. So I was still enmeshed with my family even after I put physical distance between us.
It seems like your daughter may 'feel' if you and her sibs are not being enmeshed with her that means you arn't showing her love Imo. This is the way one of my sibs was too.
Its ok if your not ready to block her completely yet. Its ok if you dont ever block her. Everyone is different.
I hope you have a calm day. I hope the sun shines on your face. I hope you get at least one hug and give one too. (This is my goals for today too :) )
If there is a hidden seed of evil inside of children adults planted it there -LundyBancroft  Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong good or bad -DebbieFord The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none -Thomas Carlyle