Escapegoat Daughter by Misty Compton

Started by Tribe16, August 23, 2022, 02:25:33 PM

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This is a memoir - if someone is wondering what the realization of NPD, enmeshment, codependency, and parental alienation looks like, this is about someone's "awakening" to the fact that things "aren't normal in our family". A lot of us come to terms with that later (and end up on this website). It was interesting how her discovery evolved. Also very interesting the impact of going no-contact has on your emotional health. One take away that will last me forever: on the topic of selfishness (because how many of us have been told we are being selfish?) - good selfishness is something you do that benefits yourself and harms nobody else in the process. That was a watershed statement for me. I read it on Kindle.