The NPD Constantly Calling CPS with False Accusations

Started by strongerthanyesterday3, November 24, 2021, 05:23:18 PM

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what can I do about this? he chooses special times of the year to do this and its becoming more obvious. he calls police and cps a lot. this time i had evidence of him doing this as a form of revenge (he texted me last week threatening in a smug way because i politely asked him to resend a video chat link) and a video that put a face to this monster. the worker could see how he moved on camera. she could tell how he is and she said she didnt see it moving forward. she told me to enjoy my thanksgiving and don't think too much about it.

Penny Lane

Hi and welcome!

I am sorry that you're dealing with this but you've come to the right place. I think a LOT of us here have seen the PD ex harassing us through any means possible, including CPS, and escalating during the holidays.

My mantra is, you can't control what the PD does you can only control what you do.

You can't stop him from calling CPS if he is determined to do so. BUT you can make it less satisfying for him and protect yourself from false accusations. Here are my suggestions to mitigate the damage to yourself:

1. Check in with a lawyer. They might have some suggestions for the legal system, including a cease and desist letter or filing a motion. Trust your gut though; if you think this will escalate the behavior, don't proceed. You probably know better than your lawyer how he will react.

2. Minimize your reaction to him about CPS or don't react at all. He wants to get your attention and make you upset; if he doesn't see that it's affecting you, he might stop. If you do have to address it with him, use the BIFF method.

3. Protect yourself by documenting. Do all communication with him in writing so that you can show CPS any threats as you did this time. Keep a log of every time they come and what they've found. If you know what his allegations are going to be, consider keeping documentation that contradicts it.

4. Consider calling the non emergency line of the police department, explain that your ex is harassing you through false allegations, and ask what they suggest. There might be something in their system next time he calls.

5. Try to enjoy your life! He is trying to terrorize you. The best revenge is to not let it happen although I know that's easier said than done.

I'm glad you found us, I hope you get some respite after this incident, and I hope you'll come back and share more if you want to.


My cousin recently went through similar, but the attack came from her addict mom. She called CPS and also requested a restraining order against my cousin, and even after that she continued to show up at her home wanting to see her grand kids etc.