Quarantine, patience wearing thin

Started by 11JB68, April 19, 2020, 10:19:18 AM

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We're not really'quarantined' completely thank goodness. I'm going in to work twice a week. Ds goes out to work every day. Still it's too much together time for me with uocpdh.
My anxiety is high. I'm feeling depressed. My patience is wearing thin.
I know I'm struggling now with maintaining mc. Still managing to avoid jade mostly.
There are so many things 'on the tip of my tongue' that I have to try so hard not to verbalize. I don't want to stoop to h's level or initiate a fight.
I'm just so tempted to make comments that I know would be sarcastic, hurtful, and unproductive.
How do you all manage this in times of stress?


What I’m finding with the quarantine is that it’s really highlighting the areas of my life that I avoid looking at.

In general I’m very busy with my job and other random errands and activities so I don’t really have much of a chance to sit quietly. That’s all I’m doing now and it’s forcing me to look at the reality of my situation, there is no hiding from it.

I think this is the case for a lot of people right now, and people in PD relationships in particular now that most of our coping/escape mechanisms have been taken away.

For me a lot of anger is coming up and I’m looking at that anger, where it came from/what am I actually angry about and working through that which I do by allowing myself to feel the emotion and really look at its origins and how I can change going forward.

What is really coming up for me is all the moves I didn’t make, like I wanted to leave the city I live in but I procrastinated. Now I’m stuck here rather than somewhere that would be much more comfortable. I’m also frustrated at how I haven’t saved like I could have, which limits my options now. I’m making plans and taking steps to address these things.

This is a stressful time for everyone and it’s bringing up the ugly parts of our lives and forcing us to look at them.

You are in a bad situation so your feelings are natural but you are right in that starting a fight wont help anything.

In times of stress I try to turn inward. There is nothing we can do about other people so I focus on myself.

Hang in there.
