So confusing when he is behaving well

Started by 11JB68, October 14, 2021, 08:54:51 PM

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Quote from: Gettintired76 on October 21, 2021, 11:19:58 PM knew what was coming by what she was watching.
As I read that, I realised that it happened with my BPD ex gf too.
I can't believe I didn't see this before!

I can think of several examples off the top of my head already, but one stands out.
I had tried getting her into meditating for a while, and told her it would help with her anxieties, but she didn't want to know.
Apart from a brief interest in it during the initial love-bombing, she had no interest in learning.
Then, I came home from work one day, and she'd seen this movie where they lead woman meditated and sat lotus position at home, and sure enough, she was sat on her sofa in the lotus position (I didn't have the heart to tell her that it wasn't required for meditation).
Of course, even after telling me how much she wanted to learn meditation, a couple of days later she lost all interest, and was sat on the sofa normally again. lol

I'm going to enjoy racking my brain to remember other things.
I think it's going to be quite amusing.

That was a new one for me.


Not a movie, but once, my H watched Art Garfunkle sing on TV, then suddenly dug out his white button-up and denim vest.  I thought "Do you know how weird that is??"


Once decades ago when I was a child, my dad took my squirrel hunting, which was "our thing", he taught me something that day, I had gotten restless sitting quietly for so long, and began rooting around with a stick and came across a grub worm, which I promptly made my pet, I wallowed that poor little fellow till he finally died, and I started bawling. My comforted me, and I apologized for crying over a "stupid ole grubby", to my Dad promptly but gently rebuked me saying, "No son, don't ever be sorry for caring, I would have worried if you didn't." I have carried those words with me all my life. He also told me  I had a very soft heart, perhaps too soft for my own good ( not a bad thing mind you) and that it would get me in trouble someday.How he could predict so we'll amazes me. I say all that because , after a time I came to the realization of something And Simon touched on it, my ubpdx when we first told me repeatedly how everyone she knew, all left her, so that I was instilled to prove I was The wh would never leave, that's why I stayed so long, I felt I had to keep that promised to her. And Simonno offense but I'm not all together sure amusing and enjoy are words we generally feel about our significants. No rebuking hubby just saying.


uNPDH has actually started *talking* like a character in a currently popular series. I think because I mentioned I like the character??

As for "behaving well"...uNPDh took me out to breakfast. Nice, right? Until I made the mistake of saying "Thank you for breakfast." Conversation devolved from there. Now it's ST. I guess new boundary is no breakfast dates for a while.