New year new me 3

Started by Gettintired76, February 22, 2022, 02:51:33 PM

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Quote from: Gettintired76 on March 18, 2022, 03:03:18 AM
My ex's husband has been messaging me harassing me for the past hour, she told him about something that happened to me in the 2nd grade and he's taunting and making fun of me about it.

Call the police!


Whats everybody into this weekend? God I dread tomorrow sooo much! She gets served her papers in the morning. I thought I would be happy to have that done, and hell I am, but Im sad too, sad that it had to happen, sad for her that she is the way she is. Especially sad for my babies that they have to go through all of this. My son started talking to me friday night, we are making plans to attend a rock festival in September. Barring nothing happening betweenow and then. Well keep me and especially my kids in your thoughts through this ordeal I do believe I see a tiny lil ray of light way down there at the end of this thing.


Definitely keeping you guys in my thoughts and I'm certain so are other people who don't necessarily post.


I second Square's post.
Good luck 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Hi Gettintired76,
I don't usually post because I would only be repeating what others have already said.
But OMyGoodness I am wishing you so much luck and all good things!! I'm reading every few days and I'm rooting really hard for you and your family!!
:thewave: :cheer:


Awww ty so much Beautiful that really means alot!


Well...ever since her My ex has been super kind and suddenly I can call and videochat and see the kids anytime I want. Of course I only trust her as far as I can throw her but at least I've regained contact with my kids, right? I cant help feeling like she knows he really screwed up and she's trying to cover herself. I so hate being a cynic but I really cant help it can I?




Ok...where to start?....I ended up in the ER last night, my stomach is severely ulcerative and now being treated. However after hearing my cardiac history they ran an EKG, and well .... Not good, I was diagnosed with severe LVH (Left Ventricle Hyportrophy) and my heart may last five more years without treatment , so Im set up with a cardiologist to go over the results and next steps. They say I may need a pacemaker.


Its funny, the one person I never dreamed of was who sat there on messenger with me while I was alone in the ex... every once in awhile she'll surprise you with just alittle but of gold on her heart lol...for a little while....


Quote from: Gettintired76 on March 22, 2022, 12:40:12 PM
Ok...where to start?....I ended up in the ER last night, my stomach is severely ulcerative and now being treated. However after hearing my cardiac history they ran an EKG, and well .... Not good, I was diagnosed with severe LVH (Left Ventricle Hyportrophy) and my heart may last five more years without treatment , so Im set up with a cardiologist to go over the results and next steps. They say I may need a pacemaker.

That is bad news mate, I really hope you get better quick and get the treatment you need! All the best!


Oh no, what scary news! I hope things will turn out much better than feared.

Glad your ex is being supportive right now, though you are right to not expect it to last, unfortunately. But we take what we can.


My ex now claims CPS from county has a case out against my family, who would have called them I have no clue. I just dont know whether to believe her.


Im just blown away, COS came to interview my family today, they are supposed to come back to interview me tomorrow supposedly Autumn has made some hefty accusations against everyone of my sisters, i know they didnt do anything i was around them 24/7, this is just so surreal, none of this was happening until my ex married the guy then not even a month in all of this started.


That's supposed to be CPS


I feel like nobody loves me no more lol, no seriously she skipped a promised phone call again tonight surprise surprise well hopefully i still get the kids Saturday.


Ok up date a. My ex is now letting me have my kids twice a week, b. CPS over is gone full throttle (however unlike in her county they actually came to talk to us) they have threatened to remove my daughter from my ex if she doesnt comply to their demands. Back to my visitations: Me and the kiddos had an awesome time yesterday, we went to Red Lobster for lunch and then to Sky Zone (a trampoline park) Cabela's(The girls like their aquarium and the stuffed wildlife exhibits) then finished it off with Baskin-Robbins for ice cream.


So is your middle daughter in foster care or not? You said she had been surrendered.


There's a lot to deal with here!
I'm so glad you're getting to see the kids more, but I wouldn't trust your Ex an inch. She's obviously playing some kind of game, probably for the CPSs benefit. Take the enjoyment, don't let your guard down. Document everything.

I don't even know what to say about your heart condition. Apart from that it's damned unfair, and I hope you're on the list for a transplant/ surgery ? What's the plan ?
I personally hope you haven't told Ex, but that's your business.
Stay safe x