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The Other Sides of Us => Religious & Spiritual Discussion => Topic started by: JollyJazz on April 09, 2024, 01:50:14 AM

Title: Spiritual attack (?)
Post by: JollyJazz on April 09, 2024, 01:50:14 AM
Hi All

I found a tik tok that made me chuckle, but at the same time made me wonder about the genuine spiritual side of the issue.

The tik tokker claimed that those of us who are empaths carers etc. and who have narcissistic and abusive family environments are being targeted as spiritual light workers, and that narcs are possessed by demonic spirits.

This is an interesting interpretation, and I didn't take it too seriously, but honestly sometimes I wonder!

I feel like I've been targeted again and again. I'm often described as super kind, nice etc.

I've managed to get away from this by healing etc although it's always a work in progress, but I do wonder about the spiritual side of narcissistic abuse and how to protect from it.
Title: Re: Spiritual attack (?)
Post by: Call Me Cordelia on April 09, 2024, 06:17:16 AM
I think it's real, but would not go so far as to say all narcissistic family members are possessed by the demonic and all the empathetic ones are on God's side.

However, how to protect yourself from the forces of evil is to ever more fully be in communion with the Lord. Develop your relationship with Him, pray without ceasing, immerse yourself in His word. As a Catholic I also believe in spiritual power communicated through the sacraments of the Church and sacramentals. It's kind of a movie trope that the crucifix wards off demons, but devotion to Our Lord crucified. Narcissists have a particular aversion to Confession I've noticed. Practicing humility by admitting faults and asking for forgiveness.

For the disordered, our being salt and light gives the lie to their way of being in the world and naturally they are going to hate that. Whether it's a full on demonic possession going on or merely, "the spirit of the world," there will be rather a one-sided enmity going on there. There's definitely something to the idea you posted about. This doesn't mean the abuse goes away, I still think we have to use our common sense and have boundaries, etc. in fact without boundaries our indirectly challenging them by our life in this way is likely to invite more of the same. I know I sure experienced a huge problem with spiritual abuse by my father when I started to grow in my own faith, independent of him and his influence and my experience is not uncommon. Our Lord and the angels are ready to actively defend us, but we have to cooperate too. There's a lot more that could be said on the topic but hopefully that helps set a good direction.
Title: Re: Spiritual attack (?)
Post by: JollyJazz on April 09, 2024, 06:42:00 AM
Hi Call me Cordelia,

Thanks for this. Yes I am Catholic also

This is the link about narcissists being possessed:

narcissists being demonic (https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFpdfGox/) / possessed by demons.

An interesting take to be sure!

I do think solid boundaries + a LOT of holy water and crucifixes is the way to go! I noticed the same thing about their strangeness around confession ...
Title: Re: Spiritual attack (?)
Post by: SeaBreeze on April 09, 2024, 10:50:56 AM
I shared my thoughts regarding the spiritual aspects of PD on an older thread about spiritual warfare. By "thread", I mean to say I was the only person who replied at that time, so it's interesting to see different takes on the possibility. Here's the older post, as well as my reply:


Title: Re: Spiritual attack (?)
Post by: JollyJazz on April 10, 2024, 06:41:41 AM
Wow, thank you so much for this, excellent thoughts.

I read through the earlier post. My goodness the mention of 'eyes going black'.

I went through a phase of watching true crime documentaries and one was on psychopaths called 'evil lives here'. The stories were generally told from the perspective of the normal family members. I can't tell you how many times I heard 'his/her eyes went black'.

I genuinely think there is an element of spiritual warfare with narcissists and sociopaths. They definitely target the more empathetic and giving kinds.

Thank you for your wonderful thoughts and ideas all! :)

Title: Re: Spiritual attack (?)
Post by: Defiantdaughter1 on April 10, 2024, 07:37:38 AM
I think what Cordelia said is basically how I feel. There are Christians who are narcissistic and abusive, even though they aren't self aware enough to know. The devil deceives all of us at some point about something or another.
Title: Re: Spiritual attack (?)
Post by: JollyJazz on April 10, 2024, 08:55:54 AM
Indeed! There are certainly Christians that are abusive. Pope Francis made a good point about the important thing being the either good or bad actions of a person, rather than the label.

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/pope-francis-good-atheists_n_3320757 (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/pope-francis-good-atheists_n_3320757)

It is a shame that more narcissists and sociopaths can't turn away from dark actions. Apparently it has happened but it is very rare.
Title: Re: Spiritual attack (?)
Post by: SeaBreeze on April 10, 2024, 03:14:32 PM
There's an older thread on eyes turning black as well:


It's pretty wild, isn't it??
Title: Re: Spiritual attack (?)
Post by: Defiantdaughter1 on April 10, 2024, 04:59:46 PM
Emotion and adrenaline can make some people's eyes turn black. I used to go to spin class, and when we were about 30 minutes into the ride, the instructor's eyes often turned black. In that case, it's good, but not when it's due to anger and rage. Very strong, intense emotions.