Men Who Hate Women and The Women That Love Them - Susan Forward

Started by GettingOOTF, October 15, 2019, 06:59:03 PM

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This book is about 30 years old and the language around the issues it discusses has changed a lot since it was written but it was so very helpful to me. It was incredible to see my marriage and past relationships written about in such an accurate way. I think the fact that it was written so long ago helped validate my feelings as this behavior was recognized as destructive long before I became aware that it was wrong.

What I found most helpful in this book, and where it really differs from everything else I've read is that it really looks into how and why the abusive man behaves the way he does and how and why women choose these men. She really nailed my upbringing.

It doesn't make any excuses and is written in a very matter of fact style. There are many examples from her sessions with patients and she explains all the behaviors in details using real life example and easy to understand language.

If you are a woman who has found herself in a relationship where you have given up or lost the things about you that you once treasured (career, hobbies, self care, friends) and don't quite understand how you ended up where you are, then I highly recommend this book.