tiny update...kicked out pregnant sister...paying all her bills...feeling used

Started by fevredream, October 24, 2020, 06:50:40 AM

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so, I struggled with what to do all week.  I really thought about my knee jerk "I'll save you" reaction to anyone who is having a problem.  I told my sister that I was really upset that her baby's father wasn't helping her more.  I told her I felt sad and angry and even jealous when she talked about how excited he was to help her with the baby.  that I felt like I was doing all the things for her and the baby and he was doing nothing.  and I told her that I could pay her bills for one more month and then she would have to move in with me.  And the very next day, her baby's father gave her $200.  And he plans to give her more next week.  She also canceled her baby shower and sent a group message to everyone saying that she doesn't need things right now, she needs emotional and financial support.  so, I am feeling pretty good about things.  I also enforced some other boundaries with other people in my life and stuck to it when they were passive-aggressive with me.  so, yay me!

Penny Lane