Has anyone ever had to testify against their spouse?

Started by TooLiteral, July 12, 2021, 09:43:21 PM

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Long story short: My uPDh got blackout drunk and punched my car while I was standing next to it. Our 15 year old son was inside the car. He raged for 10 minutes, punching the house, the other vehicles, destroying the shop... I was able to get away without getting hurt and we are hiding at a women's shelter. I filed a police report.

The police are filing felony charges against him. I am terrified. The DA wants me to testify. So many scenarios are going through my head. He has called me to apologize, to promise change. Of course I've heard it all before and don't believe it.

I know if he goes to jail, he will come out wanting to hurt me. I know his family will never forgive me. I feel so guilty and I know that's insane. I just want to be safe. And free. And now I feel like I never will be.


Oh, I'm so sorry you're going through this! I don't have any words of advice, just know that we're all here behind you. You have nothing to feel guilty about. And don't worry about his family.
It's likely they already know about his behavior. I'm sure he didn't just start with this. Maybe keep a restraining order on him, and call the police every time he violates it, if he gets out.
Take care. God bless.

Boat Babe

Omg Too Literal. I hear you and I feel for you.

Such a difficult decision. To hell with what his family think. Don't base any decision on this.  How long would he spend in prison on this felony charge? Would the country you are living in be able to re-home you in another place where you can start your life over, safely? Talk to the refuge people and the police. What is your son's opinion?

Sending huge love and courage to you right now.
It gets better. It has to.


Hey TooLiteral, I sincerely hope you are doing all right wherever you are. I'm sorry this happened. No one should have to deal with this kind of behavior. Not from a stranger and definitely not from a spouse. You deserve to be safe! I do not have advice to give. Closest I've been to this situation was sitting jury on a domestic violence case. I remember how scared the lady was, but she held it together, and she testified, and he went to jail. I hope that, while he was out of the picture, she moved herself to a new place, maybe changed her name, or did other things to leave no trace of herself for him to follow.

Sending you peace, and hope. It's all very dark right now, but you do have a chance at getting completely free of him and healing yourself and helping your son.
Remember, that there are no real deadlines for life, just society's pressures.      - Anonymous
Lasting happiness is not something we find, but rather something we make for ourselves.


Firstly,  congratulations on getting away and filing a police report. That was brave of you! Breaking the silence is the first step to change.  It might happen that your h will blame you for speaking up, not himself for behaving like that. For now though,  he will calm down a little. He will have noticed that his behaviour has consequences.
If I remember correctly, you are financially dependent on your h.  Is there any way you could address this problem while at the shelter?
I can't hate my way into loving myself.