
Started by OrdinaryMe, August 14, 2023, 12:30:30 PM

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My dd wants to gather to remember my mom...
I have mixed feelings about it.

Any ideas on what we can do as a tribute or in remembrance?


Hi OrdinaryMe - There are a lot of ways to mark your mom's passing that come to mind. Depending on where you live or what brings peace and serenity to you:

A visit to a park, beach, forest, trail, museum with your daughter and taking a moment to read a poem and hold sacred quiet space together.

Visiting a church in your community together and lighting a candle for her with your daughter.

Planting a tree or plant in honor of your mother together.

Volunteering together somewhere that is meaningful to both you and your daughter.

Making your mom's favorite meal/dessert together and then sharing it.

Creating something together to honor your mom... making a quilt, writing a song, painting...

I hope these are helpful to begin to spark your thoughts of if/how you could do this. Since you have mixed emotions it seems like keeping it simple and lighter in terms of demands upon you might be a good way to go.

The most powerful people are peaceful people.

The truth will set you free if you believe it.


Lighting the candle is lovely - and quite generic - doesn't have to remind you of the difficulties. I did this in a church and it felt like putting light where there had been darkness- and of course for your daughter it's a just a nice thing

Then you concentrate on what you like to eat/ the walks you enjoy with your kid. Life for the living.

Call Me Cordelia

I agree. We have many rituals as human beings to honor the dead. I like that, in part because it doesn't require you to have a particular emotional response, or reinvent the wheel, or Heaven forbid share some happy memory from your heart. You can just do the fitting thing.