Divorce hearing is done!

Started by Bunnyme1, January 18, 2022, 10:31:58 AM

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Luckily via zoom, as my child was up with a fever last night.  Never a dull moment.  The hearing was quick, as neither he nor his attorney showed.  It was uncontested, so that is ok, but a bit unusual.  Should have a decree in 2 weeks.  I was hoping to take the day to relax, but instead am dealing with my poor, sick kid and trying to keep a smile on my face. 
I have so many mixed emotions.  I'm relieved, I'm anxious waiting for the other shoe to drop (like, this hearing went too smoothly...what is coming), and even sad.  I guess kind of mourning the marriage I thought I had when we started.  I'm also left with a feeling of "what do I do now?"  The divorce has occupied so much of my mental and physical energy these past couple of years.  I don't know what to do with my life now that it is officially mine, you know?  Like the years of abuse and then escalation through the divorce process...I run on caffeine, adrenaline, and cortisol.  Does it make me sound totally crazy to say I feel uncomfortable when I'm not in that state?


And the shoes are already dropping.  And more lies, and more lies.  Legal maneuvers that my attorney doesn't think stand a chance, but will still cost me.  I knew i spoke too soon

Poison Ivy

I'm sorry about the post-hearing shenanigans. I hope your lawyer is correct about them being not likely to survive.

I understand your feelings about "what do I do now?" It can be difficult to recover after being in crisis mode.


I am glad the hearing is over and sorry about the post hearing shenanigans.  That stinks for you.

Yes, for so long every time I felt calm and peaceful, a part of me couldn't relax.  Like there would be a hardness in my chest waiting for the other shoe to drop.  My x certainly had me trained. 

It will with time change.  It has for me.   :bighug: