Covid case at ILF

Started by Seven, June 18, 2020, 07:47:40 AM

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So we found out yesterday that there is a Covid case at my mothers IFL.  Don't know if it is someone she knows or not, resident or employee, etc, but doesn't really matter. The facility is back on strict lockdown for 2 weeks. I don't know how lax it had become.

So Bro6 offered her to go back and stay with him and she refused (she came back to her IFL after staying 6 weeks with him).  I haven't spoken to her since she's been back (Memorial Day weekend.  She actually chose to go back to quarantine instead of actually spending a holiday weekend with family.  Also when she got back she didn't think the quarantine rules applied to her, when in actuality they *specifically* applied to her because she had be gone)

I mean, I really don't care what she does, but I'm frustrated because all of us know staying at the ILF is a really bad idea.  All sisters are like "oh well, her bad decision again".  I feel like calling her about it, but in one ear out the other and  then she'd be getting her narc supply.  I'm done playing her passive aggressive games, the game being all of her kids calling her and telling her to go with Bro6, and then not doing it to spite. But then she gets to tell all her friends how "caring" we all are. I refuse to play.  It makes me want to vomit really. It's that sickening to me. 

I guess I'm angry at her for "playing the game", playing the martyr role.  But I also get frustrated at the Bros (the GCs) for not insisting, yet I know they are just giving her what she wants but for all the wrong reasons.  They don't have the "oh well" attitude.  They've got the "She's 89 and can do what she wants" attitude.

So, no, I don't care if she gets it.  I really don't.  I'm angry because she refuses to listen.

ETA: just finding out it was an employee that tested positive.  Entire facility getting tested tomorrow...employees and residents.


Quote from: Seven on June 18, 2020, 07:47:40 AM
I'm done playing her passive aggressive games, the game being all of her kids calling her and telling her to go with Bro6, and then not doing it to spite. But then she gets to tell all her friends how "caring" we all are. I refuse to play.  It makes me want to vomit really. It's that sickening to me. 

Playing the martyr role is so typical. I totally get how you think it's sickening, I would too. My mom would love her children to buzz around in a tizzy working out a good plan for her, then she'd say ... no, I'll stay here. She wouldn't listen either; she'd do exactly what would give her the most amount of potential narc supply.

The fun never ends with them. The bit of good news I hear in your post, you have many siblings and GC bros involved. I would love that! Then I could fade into the background.  :abduct: