Narcissistic Injury and Resulting Rage Attack from Sib

Started by Transcendence, September 22, 2019, 04:29:04 AM

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My uNsister married another very selfish/entitled N.  As an N power couple they have gotten worse with time and they are very manipulative, slanderous, and entitled.  Unfortunately, I have had to live in the same household with them for a period of time and experience their disrespectful, evil, and calculatingly exploitative behavior.  My father has enabled them but it still is very painful to witness the disrespect and manipulations.  But she is the golden child and full of lies from hell and greed like a thick infectious ooze that I no longer recognize my sister under all the malevolence. 

I have been like a full blooded Cinderella here.  My sister has acted contemptuous towards me for walking by going to my room and me saying something nice~! I have seen her lips curl into an evil sneer or a glib smile after she has hurt me on purpose and she KNOWS it!  She will walk away from me as I am saying something and shut a door! I am so sick of her haughty condescending speech and her putting her lazy husband up on a pedestal.  He of course has been idealized and with that I was devalued long ago when they hooked up.  Plus she simply did not "need" me anymore and that took years for me to come out of denial and swallow that pill.  It took a lot of bewilderment and pain to keep myself from being hoovered back into being vulnerable and her betraying me later with it!

I am stunned at the lack of gratitude they have for gifts and acts of service.  They are generally demeaning but put on a good show for company.  Right now I struggle with hate!  I hate the way they both act towards my father and me.  I don't know how so many people in my family are duped by their bragging and fake compassion act.   They are abusive and gossip mongers. Greedy beyond belief!  Also very envious and it is crazy because I have NOTHING material wise and they have the best they can get!

I have not been able to confront anything because they will punish far more than it is worth trying to reach a compromise. They have the ability to make my life more miserable than it already is.  I do more than my share of work around here and I'm really sick of their lies to my father about me.  So a couple of weeks ago I was not feeling well and I've been under a lot of pressure at work and I finally confronted about one thing.  I wasn't disrespectful but more on the formal side.

OMG!  I was told to F.O. and my character was attacked!  I was told that she had very long lists of everything I do wrong and that I wasn't doing enough around the household!  I was astonished because I have cleaned up after THEM so many times and it has been gross!  She accused me of being cavalier when it is them who have walked all over my dad and used him for 11 years!  I am so tired of the very real fear of how she will try to get back at me!  She does shit to me regardless of anything happening between us or not! 

So it was confirmed in spades that she is a narc and it is better to just go as low contact as possible until we live apart again.  I'm just so sick of living in fear of her moods and attacks!  How she slanders to everyone and I bend over backwards to avoid them even though it can be very inconvenient. Then I think I will go virtually no contact unless it is absolutely necessary.  Sadly she has hooks in most of my relatives so I still want to have relationships with the others but she would completely destroy with her lying tongue if I even had the opportunity to go no contact. 


isn't it crazy how they can have all these relationships with other people and can hold it together just long enough to disparage you? It shocks me that some of the worst shallow people can have people they call "friends" or relatives that can't see the manipulation.  Just try really hard to get out of this situation ASAP!!!!!