opinions on if I did the right thing with unBPD stepmom-still having guilt

Started by mrsstrezy, June 12, 2019, 12:09:42 PM

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Hey mrsstrezy,

I too put off reading the Pete Walker book for a long time because I got hung up on the definition. And then I finally read it and went oooooh. Profoundly helpful book, because at the heart of it it explains why you feel the way you do and where that comes from. Here's a quote I was looking for:

it is crucial for deeper level recovery  that we learn that feelings of shame, fear, and guilt are sometimes signs that we have done or said the right thing. They are emotional flashbacks to how we were traumatized for trying to claim normal human privileges.

If you're trying to change your thinking, I'd read that one a few dozen times. :) It helped me a lot.