What things do you do to Protect your Health?

Started by sunshine702, September 22, 2022, 03:55:27 AM

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A lot of this work is heavy and can be quite can be draining.  What sort of things do you do to keep your health and immune system up when you have been weighed down by the blackness of this topic!

Let's all learn from each other and pick up some new self care ideas and practices going into the winter.


I will start.  I try to light a scented candle as I listen to a Ramini video or do some journaling. The scent fills the air and as I am done I blow it out and watch the smoke come up and think about the smoke and a done/ release.  It's sort of a little prayer. 

I also to do spicy food and ginger if I am feeling a bit off.

And cuddling my puppy.  He is the best!

Who's next?!


I exercise!

If I need something meditative I will just do a long, low intensity session on a treadmill or rowing machine.

If I am working through stress or grief I will go all out lifting heavy weights or battering a boxing bag.
Don't let the narcs get you down!


I am currently down in a black hole so not taking that good care of myself, doing exactly what I shouldn't do and have a drink before bed to stop those flashbacks and nightmares.

But I try to go for long walks, go the gym and to go for massage. I also follow a Keto diet which makes me feel better, in addition to this I am taking lots of various vitamins and food supplements to heal. Vitamin B complex and nutritonal yeast for the limbic system and brain in general, L-Glutamin and apple cider vineager tablets  to repair the gut. There are so much damage to my body following years of narc abuse, but at least the healing is ongoing.


A consistent sleep schedule and making sure I get high-quality zzz's. Fitbit helps hold me accountable on this one. Morning sun exposure to regulate circadian rhythm. I also take some supplements for sleep: L-Theanine, Lemon Balm, and Magnesium L-Threonate (supplements recommended by neuroscience professor/researcher Andrew Huberman at Stanford). Vitamin D supplements in winter.

Going for walks, lifting weights, doing mobility work.

Whole-foods nutrition--meat, fish, eggs & veggies as the backbone, with 10% allowance for treats so I don't feel deprived. Moderation with alcohol as well to avoid issues with sleep and hormonal balance.

Constantly learning! I love health podcasts, too, to keep me motivated and informed.

Poison Ivy

I walk every day, and I attend annual (preventive) appointments with a dentist and with a physician.


I make rosehip oxygen (high vit c) and fire cider to keep colds and flus at bay. I'm trying to do 10-30 minutes of excercise every night with a few different YouTube channels , varying levels of intensity and I just pick what I'm up for each night.   A nightly bath, nightly reading of a book (various topics and intensity based on mood).  I try to keep three books going at a time, light, medium and heavy reading.

Prayer....I do this throughout the day but lean more into it if I can't sleep.

Walks by myself if I can slip away from my children. Short spurts of gardening as well.

Sometimes I just go into a room, close the door, and have a good cry.
"Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it..." - Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery


I try to be so very gentle with myself.

When I notice judgments pop up, I smile at them and lay them down where they are.  I used to speak to them..... "not today, but nice try."  Not so much anymore.

  Sometimes it crosses my mind to think about where those judgments used to live in my life and I realize they used to BE my life.  What others are doing and thinking about what I'm doing or not doing.....and it's just rubbish for the bin.  I don't need to contemplate that piece much any more, bc I understand how toxic it is....like drinking poison.  Learning to sit with what's actually here, in this moment, has been a learning process and it gets easier to notice when I slip in and out of the present.

Eating prescriptively.... zero gluten, sugar and dairy..... zero coffee if I'm under the gun......
Epsom salt soaks,,,,
outdoor showers.....
forest bathing with our lovely 8 year old dog.
Appreciation for indoor plumbing and how life has changed..... understanding the hardships my Grandparents and Greats and Great Greats, etc overcame........ I'm an ABSOLUTE HISTORY show nerd.


What you are speaks so loudly in my ears.... I can't hear a word you're saying.

When someone tells you who they are... believe them.

"That which does not kill us, makes us stronger."

"It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness."
Eleanor Roosevelt

bee well

I like to take baths, walking, enjoying nature and animals. Good nutrition, respecting limits, and time. Attetntion to sleep hygiene, Seeing new places. Reading, Coming in here to connect. Workling on me.


I walk on trails in the woods, read fiction for fun, putter in the flower beds, listen to podcasts that I find interesting, lift weights, and sometimes mindlessly watch campy TV shows.  My health was at an all-time low when I was divorcing the Pdx.  Now, I'm approaching the level of fitness I had at my peak, years ago. Although, I have some residual chronic health issues now, and have to be kinder and gentler to myself these days.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.
—Maya Angelou


Yoga, breathing and mindfulness exercises, reading, drives in the country with the radio on. Chiropractic and sports massage for my chronic pain. Regular doctor visits and dental care. Vitamin supplements for immunity. These are all things I have control over, and so I do them for myself.


Sigh.  I had not practiced proper self-care in many years until very recently.  My poor body has finally had enough as I think I have long covid or something because I have been sick four times this year since having covid in January. This latest bout lasted a full month!  So, the shtf and I'm on the way to trying to offer myself love and grace and care.  First, I'm eating well ... I cut out sugars and snacks and now eat whole foods.  This is huge for me as crap food was my drug of choice for dealing with the pain and I would binge several times/week.  Before, when I'd go on a "diet," it felt restrictive and punishing.  Now, eating well feels nurturing and kind.  Also, I take loads of supplements and am moderately physically active (with walking, gardening, etc).  I did some drumming today and that felt good.  Yoga always makes me feel good, even empowered, but I'm not yet consistent.  I smile at strangers and I think in these uncertain times it helps me and them as I get good eye contact and lots of smiles back.  I practice EFT (emotional freedom technique) or tapping with immediate calming effects.  I pet my critters (cats and dogs) and really give them my full attention every day at least for a few minutes.  I'm working on accepting compliments and care from my DH.  (The walls I've put up!  Ouch!) I read something recently that said (paraphrasing): Get well and healthy and you can care for others not as obligation, but out of the abundance of your own well-being.  That touched me and has helped me because even with people I adore, giving felt like slavery because I was so depleted.  I am glad to report I see a more positive mindset and relaxed nervous system after just a few weeks.  Hang in there, everyone.  We are so worth it!  xoxo
Ring the bells that still can ring;
Forget your perfect offering.
There's a crack in everything ~~
That's how the Light gets in!

~~ Leonard Cohen


I am finally learning that self care isn't just one thing I can do to "feel better"  it's a set of tools to be used at different times on different days depending on the circumstances.

Stretching, long walks, martial arts.
Journaling, meditating, therapy.
Spending time with friends, allowing myself alone time.
Eating whole, minimally processed foods, a day of too many chocolates.

Mostly, I'm trying to listen to what my body and soul need that day and then pick the tools to support myself.  It's a learning process.
I've cried a thousand rivers. And now I'm swimming for the shore" (adapted from I'll be there for you)


QuoteI am finally learning that self care isn't just one thing I can do to "feel better"  it's a set of tools to be used at different times on different days depending on the circumstances.

Stretching, long walks, martial arts.
Journaling, meditating, therapy.
Spending time with friends, allowing myself alone time.
Eating whole, minimally processed foods, a day of too many chocolates.

Mostly, I'm trying to listen to what my body and soul need that day and then pick the tools to support myself.  It's a learning process.

Good stuff there, Lauren - and it very much varies for me as well. These days I try to maintain flexibility in mind and body much as I can so I'm not too jarred by exteriors. At this point complete avoidance of drama and chaos, learning to dip out when I see it are also my friends.
"She had not known the weight until she felt the freedom." ~Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter
"Expectations are disappointments under construction." ~Capn Spanky, The Nook circa 2005ish


Loving all these ideas.  Making lists of new things to try!  Thank you for starting the topic

I hired a personal trainer and it is paying off.  I feel stronger physically than I have in years.
Massotherapist every two weeks to work on the scar tissue from all the surgeries and help with chronic pain.  I am seeing a difference!

Grounding - I try weather permitting to stand in the grass in my bare feet and just feel the sun, breeze and use all my senses.  Give myself a few minutes of mindfulness a day.

Meditate - downloaded a few apps and try to meditate at least five min a day.  My blood pressure is finally coming down.

Started WW and I'm already down twenty pounds - mostly due to an increase of veggies and decrease of sugar.  But I allow myself an indulgence from time to time to prevent that complete fall off the wagon.

Lots of smelly soaps, candles, fluffy reading and journaling and of course the Netflix binge on trash for distraction.

Boat Babe

Great input everyone. I do lots of what folk here have listed. One thing I have found very helpful, is to not allow myself to get stressed by rushing, hurrying etc. I don't see try to be pack a million things into one day anymore (I had dreadful FOMO) and give myself plenty of time to get to places etc. Keeps my cortisol levels right down.  Also, dancing: at home, in the kitchen, on my own. Research is showing that dancing is incredibly good for mind and body.  Cigarettes are quite recently a thing of the past and if I never smoke one again it will be too soon.

Keep doing the right things fellow Out of the FOG ers.

It gets better. It has to.