Out of the FOG

Coping with Personality Disorders => Parents' Discussion => Topic started by: OddSunflower on July 12, 2019, 10:10:51 PM

Title: I got put on timeout
Post by: OddSunflower on July 12, 2019, 10:10:51 PM
Today my NPDd put ME in timeout and told me that she would only be contacting me if there was an emergency. We have been on very little contact for a few months. Usually just a check-in here and there to make sure she is still alive. She uses social media with venom and malice and I got tied of people sending me screenshots of this so I just closed all of my accounts about a week ago. Well apparently she decided that I blocked her from social media and that because of that I am now on no contact.
Is it bad that I am relieved? All she ever does when she talks is complain or bring up how she was wronged and it is everyone's fault but her own that she is "crazy" and an addict.
I am sad that she feels this way but maybe she will learn one day.... For now I guess I will just enjoy my quiet corner...
Title: Re: I got put on timeout
Post by: momnthefog on July 15, 2019, 10:28:09 AM

As sad as it sounds, I welcome getting put in time out by my BPDd.  The only down side is that she often with holds access to my 7 yo grand child at the same time.

Unfortunately, my almost 30 yo BPDd still hasn't learned.  She's fairly high functioning in that she can work (can't hold a job for more than 9-12 months), has no friends, and very strained relations with her brothers and sisters. 

Years ago, I would worry myself and try to get back into her good graces.  Took me several years to come Out of the FOG and realize there was NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING I could do to change the TO....other than to wait until she needed something.

Enjoy your quiet....and remember that even an emergency on her part....or what she thinks is an emergency....doesn't require a response on your part.  (I learned that the hard way!)


Title: Re: I got put on timeout
Post by: beth207 on July 17, 2019, 01:27:47 PM
It's really painful to have no contact, but when every contact is hurtful, to put it mildly, and when contact will not help your child move toward health, then what choice is there?  I'm sorry you have to go through this.  It's really hard and breaks your heart every day.