Hoover, incompetence or both?

Started by Pepin, April 18, 2019, 01:37:27 PM

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DH told me yesterday that PDmil called him at work asking if he had called her cell phone because she missed a call.  For background, PDmil has an iphone and DH programmed every single phone number to have a headshot of the family member with it so she knows it and their name.  In fact, if she wants to make a call, she just has to touch the picture of the person so there is no dialing.  DH told her that NO he did not call her.  It is clear that PDmil does not understand how to retrieve the log for missed calls nor can she recognize what kind of a call it was. 

She then goes on to say that her grass is getting long and could DH come trim it for her?  It seemed that this made DH upset.  We don't even own a lawn mower ourselves and have a weekly service.  DH bought PDmil an electric lawn mower years ago so she could do it herself.  Since her health has declined, she cannot operate a mower anymore and DH told her to ask the niece that recently was gifted PDmil's car.

OK, I think this is unfair....to a degree.  A gift of a car now has strings attached?  Initially the niece didn't want the car but then her plans to use a different car fell through so she was sort of forced to take PDmil's car.  Should she have to now mow PDmil's lawn in return?  The car literally is hardly worth anything...

I told DH that getting PDmil a weekly service would likely be the best solution.  Of course, she will balk at the cost...but, whatever, she doesn't even come close to spending all of her SS checks per month.  At best it would be piece of mind for everyone.....except PDmil because I know this is her way of getting DH to come over and take care of HER to-do list!  Clearly he doesn't want to spend HIS time cutting grass since he doesn't even do this at home anymore.

It is amazing how these PDs play their games...she sure has a skewed vision of spending quality time together as she ages.  It is the classic, I need things done for me and I am going to drive the people closest to me nuts! 


So really glad I ave ne extended FOO. Sorry you are dealing with this.
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.
Wayne Dyer

The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?
Capt. Jack Sparrow

Choose not to be harmed and you won't feel harmed. Don't feel harmed and you haven't been. -Marcus Aurelius