She's doing it again

Started by Associate of Daniel, November 25, 2019, 07:40:39 AM

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Associate of Daniel

You may remember the dramas of a couple of years ago when ds's uNPD smum was team manager of his weekly sport.

Well he's with another club now and she's team manager and coach this time. Of course.

She's so far been sending me the weekly game information but nothing else.  Not even the fact that the training venue and time had changed.  If I hadn't had a chance conversation about teaining with ds I wouldn't have known of the change.  I would have turned up at the usual place and time to pick him up and wondered where everyone was.

Well, now she's stopped sending me the weekly game information.

Sure.  I don't attend the games.  I stopped going because uNPD exH's behaviour had become too volatile and I didn't want ds to possibly witness his father behaving that way. Ds is aware of that.

But I'm still his mum.  I want to be able to talk to him about the games etc..

At this stage I can get some information online.  But next year I'll be taking ds to every game.  So uNPD smum will have to lift HER game.

Otherwise I'll have to do what I did last time:  arrange for another parent to forward the uNPD smum's emails on to me.

She's just so...really. Words just can't describe her.  She seems...inhuman.



I am sorry, AoD. Is there another parent who could pass on where everything is and when like last time? Too bad there isn't an automated service that automatically sends the emails and updates to parents. How frustrating that you have to deal with this every time your son is involved in a sport. :( I'm glad there is some online information available. That is good at least.


I'd fire off a super professional and helpful sounding e mail, that showed everyone she's not doing the right thing, then ask someone else to put me on the e mail chain.

Document document document... be sweet as pie..... and keep documenting.


What you are speaks so loudly in my ears.... I can't hear a word you're saying.

When someone tells you who they are... believe them.

"That which does not kill us, makes us stronger."

"It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness."
Eleanor Roosevelt

Associate of Daniel

Thanks, folks.

I intend to ask one of the parents next year to forward all of the uNPD smum's emails to me.

I could do it now but there are only a few weeks to go and I don't want the drama.  There'll be enough of that next year.

I'm just venting.  I'm really sick of the hypocracy and moving of goal posts.  The whole "look at me!" palava is tiresome.



I completely understand. The "look at me" drives me insane no matter who does it (unless it's a child). And even if you're waiting until next season to deal with it, it's always good to have a plan IMO. It helps ease my mind. Or just the validation to know I'm not off my rocker. lol I hope they get bored of messing with you soon and get bored of playing the perfect parent.