He says my name, a lot.

Started by UncomfortablyNumb, August 11, 2022, 08:01:05 PM

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I've noticed recently that my BPDh says my name after every sentence when he's talking.  He talks A LOT (usually sports, politics, how he's better than everyone, how terrible everything everyone is, etc)  so I do tend to zone out a bit when he rambles or rants. He will end every sentence/statement with "Right, UnComfortably Numb?" "UncomortablyNumb, Am I right?"
It honestly makes me cringe and I try to avoid sitting down with him with alone.
My friends think he's arrogant and talks over them so I've been paying attention more to how he speaks so I'm not sure if it's a new thing or he's always done that lol.
Has anyone experienced something similar?


My updh will often end with an attempt at confirmation that I agree with him.... doesn't say my name though....
But either I have to agree.... or it becomes an argument