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The Other Sides of Us => Religious & Spiritual Discussion => Topic started by: SomethingElse on May 22, 2019, 12:40:33 AM

Title: Mindfulness and Meditation
Post by: SomethingElse on May 22, 2019, 12:40:33 AM
If it's ok, I'd like to post something about mindfulness and meditation.
My journey has been a long one, just like other's. I have come to realize that my special talent is in trauma recovery with an emphasis in mindfulness and meditation. I am a former member of step programs. And now I wish to share my love of meditation and mindfulness as a way to overcome trauma and heal from excessive grief. Please feel free to comment in any way about mindfulness and meditation. Thank you for letting me share. Namaste.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and Meditation
Post by: Dukkha on May 22, 2019, 07:01:43 AM
Mindfulness and meditation saved my life when I hit rock bottom with CPTSD so bad I was hospitalized.
Still practicing, years later, and every aspect of my life and relationships continue to benefit.
Now I am a secular Buddhist and practice the full range of tenets beyond those two.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and Meditation
Post by: Spring Butterfly on May 23, 2019, 06:32:20 AM
Mindfulness and meditation helped me reach level of healing I don't think I would have reached otherwise. Since there's all sorts of mindfulness and meditation techniques I found many that didn't conflict with my christian-based beliefs.

One of the techniques that helped me the most was a body scan meditation and different breathing meditations. They help me find a new level of relaxation and be able to sleep. Breathing techniques helped me be able to control panic attacks during the day and at night my helping to control my heart rate and parasympathetic nervous system.

Meditations that help with the mind and overactive thinking also helped by just noticing a thought and going back to concentrating on the breath.

Walking meditations and mindful eating helped call my mind and my digestion.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and Meditation
Post by: SomethingElse on June 02, 2019, 09:05:15 PM
Spring Butterfly and Dukkha,

Those are amazing stories!
I am thinking about starting a trauma recovery group in real life and having people join virtually from all over. I would love to include you both?
You seem to have recovered a lot of your lives like me with mindfulness and meditation?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and Meditation
Post by: Spring Butterfly on June 03, 2019, 08:17:32 AM
That's really a thoughtful and sweet thing to try to put together. Honestly between the volunteer work I do here and trying to run my life full time it's not something I'd be interested in pursuing but wish you the very best!

ETA have you seen our sister site Out Of The Storm cPTSD recovery?