When does it become stalking?

Started by Rize, April 16, 2019, 04:35:54 AM

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Has anyone on here had to call the police due to stalking or harassment from a parent they've tried to go no contact with?
And if so, how did it turn out?

I'm asking as I can see this being an action I will inevitably have to take sooner rather than later  :'(

Call Me Cordelia

In my situation I did not call the police, because I had blocked all forms of communication except mail, and to my knowledge they never made the drive to my house. However I did send a cease and desist letter via certified mail. That seemed to do the trick.

If you are feeling threatened and wanting to call the police, however, I don't think it could hurt. At minimum there would be an official record of harassment. I'm sure others with more experience will chime in. So sorry you're dealing with this, I remember very well how stressful it was to tell my kids they were never allowed to get the mail, always wondering what the next Hoover would be, keeping one eye out for my dad's car on our street. You are doing the right thing to protect yourself!


For us, it was with next-door uPD ILs. Our home was broken into while we were gone, and I filed a police report via the phone. The way I put it, we thought we knew who it was, we didn't want it investigated, but we did want it on the record in case it continued. I was given a case number for reference. Then I dropped that info into conversation with the ILs--let them know a police report had been filed, that locks were changed and implicitly let them know we were VERY serious about our boundaries.

I am so sorry you're facing this. Involving the police can help you feel empowered and not alone.


Thank you, I contacted my local authority and they're coming out to take a statement this week. I just know (can't explain how) that she will not leave me be, and this is a last resort for me.
I've upped the security on my home the best way I can, as I genuinely feel she wont think twice about trying to enter my property with or without my knowledge.  My husband is speaking to his colleagues today as we found out she's been trying to get hold of his contact numbers for work/snooping around his business socials.

If I was told a year ago that this would happen, I would've laughed it off.


I haven't gone that far, but have come very close.

After I went NC with my parents I moved and did not give them a forwarding address. They stalked me down online and started sending cards and letters, none which I replied to. They had no real proof that I was living at this address. One weekend I had just come back from the grocery store and left the garage door up. I put my groceries away (took maybe ten minutes) and when I went back out to the garage there was an unmarked box with my name on it (enFather's handwriting) sitting on the hood of my car, the unwanted Christmas gifts they were forcing on me. I was enraged. My enFather not only drove out to my house but trespassed onto the property without knowing if I even lived there. If he had shown up at the wrong address, the residents most certainly would have called the police. I don't know what he was thinking.

Anyway, I gave serious thought to reporting it but decided not to because I knew they would use it against me in their smear campaign. Five years later, I no longer care about whatever lies are being spread about me. My enFather is at an age where he may now be too old to drive, but if it happens again, I WILL file a police report.

All4peace, good to know that you can file a report to have on record without it being investigated. That's good to know.

Rize, best of luck to you in going through with this. Like you, I also would have laughed it off if someone had told me just how far my Nmother would go to hunt me down. I totally understand that gut feeling you have that they won't leave you alone. Follow your instincts and do what is necessary to protect yourself. How horrible that the biggest threat in our own homes come from our parents.