Faith masking PD

Started by witchyhazel, July 21, 2021, 07:35:51 PM

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I think my mom has BPD with a possible side of NPD, but her extreme (Catholic) religiosity makes it difficult to determine the border between religious belief and delusion.

She literally believes she "might be a saint" and harshly judges everyone around her for their shortcomings.

She is obsessed with ideas about demonic possession, exorcism, spiritual warfare, etc. This tends to manifest in a paranoid way and she has exploded in rage at random strangers in the past because she thought the devil was using them to interfere with her. Along with this she interprets "signs" in random events as divine indicators in a way that always fits in neatly with her confirmation bias. If she doesn't want me to do X, she will conveniently receive a sign that I shouldn't.

Splitting--everything is good or bad, with the aesthetic and moral blending together, so that a hairstyle she doesn't like can be perceived as immoral or sinful.

There are plenty of other examples; she tends to experience and communicate everything through a religious (Catholic) lens. Obviously this isn't a particularly positive kind of religiosity, but it can definitely occur without a PD too! Anyone else have experience with a PD manifesting through religion?

Call Me Cordelia

Yes, for sure. My parents also added spiritual abuse to their repertoire in spades. My personal theory is that people with BPD/NPD have such a weak sense of self they will cling desperately to any source of identity they can lay claim to. It can be religion, but also political affiliation, or even a sports team, or their job, or a subculture of any kind really. And that assumed identity will inspire all manner of opportunities to justify their belief in their superiority.

The paranoia and preoccupation with the demonic sounds like a possible manifestation of mental illness beyond Cluster B PD.

Reality check: Real saints don't think so much of themselves. Humility is the most necessary virtue to personal holiness in authentic Catholic spirituality.    By their fruits you will know them. :yes:


I agree, this side of the spectrum is given to, um, taking things too far to put it mildly. My uBPDm similarly thought she could tell what people were thinking and so on. She also thought she had some sort of special divine protection above and beyond what the average believer can expect. I think that any body of believers that incorporates some amount of ceremony or reverence for saints is particularly attractive to this cluster as well. They see it as the perfect opportunity to ham it up! Humility, as CMC stated, is a great initial way to test such claims privately. 
Remember, that there are no real deadlines for life, just society's pressures.      - Anonymous
Lasting happiness is not something we find, but rather something we make for ourselves.


My late mother was uNPD with schizoaffective disorder. One seemed to inform the other, under the guise of religion, as she believed God spoke directly to her. If my brother and I questioned *her*, we were chastised for questioning God Himself.  :stars:

uNPDm made many bad decisions in her life based on "the Voice". I was in my 30s before I finally had the nerve to tell her that God sure did give her some horrible advice! When I suggested she seek mental help, the narcissistic smirk came out and she scoffed at me for "trying to diagnose" her.

Unfortunately, schizoaffective disorder runs in my family. Yet the other family members (who are not also co-morbid NPDs) acknowledge this, seek treatment for it, and do NOT believe they have a direct line to God.

tragedy or hope

Being spiritual AKA religious is a really good cover for people with personality disorders.  From what I have read and seen many spiritual leaders have an NPD problem. I for one live with someone who uses religion to find flying monkeys and/or a social group.  If he were true to the tenets of his faith it would start at home.. I get nothing but His PD behavior. It is hurtful and really makes me feel angry that there is such a dichotomy of his outside behavior.
Church is not a place for us to worship together, it is a place for him to find other people to to impress.
Religious behavior is an easy costume for them to wear.
"When people show you who they are, believe them."
~Maya Angelou

Believe it the first time, or you will spend the rest of your life in disbelief of what they can/will do; to you. T/H

Family systems are like spider webs. It takes years to get untangled from them.  T/H


Hi witchyhazel, I am an actual "living saint" and im just waiting for  "beatification" from the Pope (he seems to be dragging his feet). Just a question of time really. 

Some people say it might be to do with my rank "grandiosity" " delusional fantasy life"  and "sense of entitlement" " state of denial " and may indicate a "Cluster B" personality disorder.  But they tend to be  the small people incapable of recognising greatness when it is presented to them and are filled with an overpowering jealousy and bitterness.

Im not one easily brought low by such comments as its the bane of all great people to endure such negativity from those who lack faith and seem to have a chronic lack of self esteem . 

So be it, luckily i have broad shoulders.   

Call Me Cordelia


"I have broad shoulders." My mother really said that all the time! And accusations of low self-esteem were my MiL's favorite.


Hazy, I'm fairly sure Cordelia meant no offense. Apparently I didn't understand your post above either - the "quoted" phrases you used implied more of a satirical or possible sarcastic response. The written medium unfortunately doesn't always make one's tone and inflection clear. Plus, it was tacked onto a long-abandoned post and to me it seemed off topic even to that. All told, I completely misread your intentions.
"She had not known the weight until she felt the freedom." ~Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter
"Expectations are disappointments under construction." ~Capn Spanky, The Nook circa 2005ish


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