Complete 180 or bait and switch?

Started by Bunnyme, June 06, 2020, 09:52:25 PM

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I posted that there has been no real change from my husband who was released from rehab 2 weeks ago.  Last week, he "forgot" about his second visitation with the kids, still money being lied about.  But yesterday was my son's birthday, so he came to the house along with his parents (from whom we when I go, I'm out).  He brought me flowers, gave me a Believe necklace asking me to believe in him again.  Prior to rehab, he had a very short temper, would go off on political topics and, honestly, sometimes made somewhat racist/microaggressive comments that we fought over.  Well, today he sent me a poem he wrote about the black lives matter movement, and when his sister started loudly defending override / top, he later (privately) asked if that is how he sounded every time I told him to cool it.  He said "it has been pointed out to me that sometimes I come off harshly and speak out of anger."  Um, ya think? 

It just doesnt feel right.  Like, yes, it is everything I have wanted him to change.  But I find it very hard to accept that in 3 months of rehab he has changed just about everything about his personality.  Addiction, anger management, gaslighting, compulsive lying, self-centeredness, lack of responsibility...  I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop while everyone in his family thinks I'm just not giving him enough credit or enough of a chance.  I think he has been putting up this front longer with them.  It has me questioning myself, just as I have throughout our relationship.  I know that he has a long way to prove himself.  It is all talk, but it is so confusing  :stars:

Has anyone else had this experience?  When I didnt fall all over myself seeing him for the first time and he knew I was serious, he suddenly becomes the epitome of the perfect partner?  As things progress and I read about PD, I am starting to think that maybe he isnt just scheming to make my life miserable, but really is terrified that I'll leave.  For the safety of my kids, I will.  It is all just too much to think about sometimes.