I am losing my mind

Started by soccer23, November 11, 2020, 06:04:33 PM

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So I have a old friend who I work with and we had a fight several months ago and have not been friends since. At our office we are all independent contractors however she went to our "boss" recently and stated that I am making her uncomfortable at work, when their are multiple occassions where she has been a a**hole to me and I have not stated anything. I was able to maintain healthy boundaries and I talked with my boss before hand to let them know that I was not going into the meeting if I could not be protected because she has been abusive in the past. Well now that this meeting is over she does not work the same time I do and she does not spend time at the office. However I have noticed by my other coworkers that they are challenging the fact that I did not allow the meeting to become personal and I have not provided the friend with closure. I am losing my freaking mind. I do not feel as though I am in the wrong however now I do not feel as though I am welcomed here anymore. I feel like I am constantly being challenged and I am finally in a place of happiness despite COVID and despite the election. I just feel like no one were wants me to be happy and now I have a contract with them and I love my job and I do not know what to do anymore... 

Penny Lane

I'm sorry you're dealing with this! It can be so hard when PD personalities come into work - we can't really control who we interact with there, and that is so hard. Has the situation changed at all since you posted this?