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The Other Sides of Us => Religious & Spiritual Discussion => Topic started by: Miranda on February 14, 2024, 05:58:30 AM

Title: Angel Numbers
Post by: Miranda on February 14, 2024, 05:58:30 AM
I don't know if they mean anything or not.  I am consistently getting them for about 8 months now.  555, 444, 11:11 and sometimes 222.  It happens everyday. Is this coincidence or is there anything about numbers in the Bible.  Is it just that I'm searching and hoping my Angel is watching over me.  Is it all nonsense?? I pray daily and in recent months dealt with some major things that I ask God to help me forget and especially give me strength to cope. I hope I don't offend anyone with this topic
Title: Re: Angel Numbers
Post by: Miranda on February 20, 2024, 06:31:39 AM
Oh its sad I didn't get any input. I guess its why I feel like a nothing everyday I'm so sorry I posted this :-[
Title: Re: Angel Numbers
Post by: moglow on February 20, 2024, 07:55:48 AM
Miranda, it may be that like me, "angel numbers" is somewhat of an unknown to others here. I'd never heard that term and never really paid attention.

Title: Re: Angel Numbers
Post by: xredshoesx on February 20, 2024, 08:04:31 AM
Miranda help folks understand how this relates to the spiritual side of being in a PD/ uPD relationship and you may get some more responses to your query. 
Title: Re: Angel Numbers
Post by: Starboard Song on February 20, 2024, 08:55:47 AM
Quote from: Miranda on February 14, 2024, 05:58:30 AMIs it all nonsense??

I wouldn't call it nonsense. That would be needlessly mean. But it is almost undoubtedly coincidence that seems bigger than it is due to confirmation bias. Confirmation bias causes us to notice what we are looking for and ignore the stuff we aren't. My wife and I playfully love the number 13. On her birthday we selected a restaurant that ended up being on 13th street. Our table was table #13. The walking path in a nearby park was 1.3 miles. Does this mean anything? Nah. The distance there had nothing to do with 13, or the items we ordered, or the price we paid, or any huge volume of numbers that I ignored that day because they weren't 13.

To get to brass tacks, odd number patterns is simply a terrible way to communicate. Seeing triple numbers, like 222, conveys nothing at all, right? It may mean you are being watched over, or it could mean the angel equivalent of "be right back," or maybe it means you should order pizza tonight. When people say "give me a sign," we want the sign to mean something.

Since there is no possible meaning to ascribe to seeing repeat numbers, and since you are likely seeing what you are looking for, like my wife and I with the number 13, I'd suggest that these are just numbers: sometimes interesting ("look: 12345!"), sometimes meaningful ("you're next!"), sometimes random ("table 13, sir").
Title: Re: Angel Numbers
Post by: SeaBreeze on February 20, 2024, 11:58:50 AM
Back in the 90s, I read "The Celestine Prophecy" which talks about "interesting coincidences" and how they're a sign from God or the Universe you're on the right track in life. While I try not to fall into "magical thinking", I do note interesting little coincidences as a sign I'm on the right track. Whether they are a sign from God, or my own subconscious working something out, it indeed gets my attention.

When I started a new job last summer after leaving stbx, I was very nervous. While driving to my first day of training, I prayed to God to help me remember not to lean on my own understanding. Well, I walk into the new boss's office, and there on her white board is her verse of the day..."Lean not on your own understanding." I rather calmly took that one in, but wow!! What a nice little reminder that I could make it on my own post-PD.

I  guess I would ask you, when do you notice angel numbers, and how do you feel they correlate to your present journey?
Title: Re: Angel Numbers
Post by: Miranda on February 21, 2024, 06:50:21 AM
Thank You ! I guess it's coincidence and also I'm wanting them to be signs that life will get better. I grasp at anything that may be signs.  I see now that it is just random stuff Maybe for a moment, it's hope. False hope though.  I really feel silly posting it.

 Life as for everyone gets tough at times. We have had 8 years of stress upon stress. Grasping at straws, 'that's the term, right...

Continuing to pray.  I always wanted that ahhhhh yes, moment when I hear God. Hasn't happened so I think the numbers gave me false hope. I know God is here even if I can't sense it
Title: Re: Angel Numbers
Post by: Starboard Song on February 21, 2024, 08:38:12 AM
Quote from: Miranda on February 21, 2024, 06:50:21 AMI really feel silly posting it.

No! Please don't feel silly. Your faith is very real and important. You don't need any numbers or patterns in life to be assured of it. It is fine an natural to want more: to want something solid we can touch, point at, or hold onto. That just isn't the way of faith for most of us, though.

Do continue to pray. And continue to respect the real hard times visited upon you. Everyone has hard times, you are right. But your hard times are no less for however common they may be. So be ever so kind to yourself and let yourself know and say and understand that THIS IS HARD.

But also continue to frame the story right: make sure you recognize the joy that is there, the things you enjoy, the blessings you have. It isn't about how "it could be worse, so buck up." It is a story of Radical Acceptance (read the book!). A story of how this is the life we are honored to experience, however hard it is.

Now go be awesome, and while you are out there, enjoy noticing those patterns you've seen. Just as my wife and I take pleasure -- comfort -- in the spooky-dooky pattern of 13s we are able to conjure from our world, your capacity to see patterns is part of the joy of our world. Enjoy it, and give yourself a hug with it, and keep rolling.
Title: Re: Angel Numbers
Post by: Miranda on February 22, 2024, 10:32:08 AM
Thank you Starboard Song!  Beautiful, just Beautiful!  I continue to pray throughout the days. I will keep rolling...

This meant so much to me  :bighug: 
Title: Re: Angel Numbers
Post by: escapingman on March 11, 2024, 04:51:19 AM

I am not sure how much you are into spirituality and religion. You can take whatever I write in whatever way you want, but I think it is definitely someone trying to tell you something. If you are open to it, try to put synchronicity into YouTube and you get a lot of videos.

Good luck with moving on into better times!

Title: Re: Angel Numbers
Post by: Miranda on March 19, 2024, 06:41:44 AM
escapingman,  I prefer a personal relationship with God. I talk to him as a friend.  I believe what the Bible teaches. I will look on YouTube about the numbers. They still keep coming most everyday. Thank you!