Has anyone else tried this?

Started by hollow, April 06, 2024, 02:30:20 AM

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I have a problem with dissociating. I notice when I try to study, I often end up staring into space for a while. I attribute it to me trying to remember some traumatic incident. What I find myself doing when I start to ruminate about something that happened to me in the past, I start writing stories about it in my journal. Like a writer taking inspiration from incidents that happened in their lives/things they've seen and creating a novel based on that. I know art therapy can be used to 'treat' trauma, so I wonder if anyone has tried their hand at writing therapy, i.e, putting their trauma into words.


I find writing to be very helpful. I have written several novels (unpublished) which I now realise are infested with narcs. I did some online written therapy a few years ago. Weirdly, when my current T suggested I journal, I pooh-poohed the idea in my head. This is because I used to try to keep a diary as a kid but always gave up after a few days. I realise now this is because no diary was safe from my mother's snooping so I could never actually write anything meaningful in it. But once I released myself from any obligation to journal every day, and found an online journal app so I can type or dictate and it syncs across all my devices, I have found myself using it frequently.
Don't let the narcs get you down!

Basil Bachelorette

I have been journalling a lot, but I do not have the confidence to try an actual story. But, the other night I had a very intense dream which made me want to read Greek tragedy! So yesterday I read a play by Euripides, and afterwards journalled my thoughts. This turned into me brainstorming how various family members and I would fit into the play or would interact with different characters. It definitely relieved something. At the very least, I now feel too interested by Greek culture to be pre-occupied with past abuse.