Still Healing

Started by Gettintired76, April 15, 2022, 01:48:20 PM

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It's just all so confusing.

Next week is the big day, will be hoping for a good outcome.


My attorney is trying to move it back need time to prepare.


Glad your attorney is on this.


Stay strong Getintired, don't let her wear you down.


Im tryin i really am, she was throwing a woe is me pity party on me this morning, hell I tell her to leave for some schmuck that would take out to the middle of nowhere cutting her off from everyone who could help her I didnt get CPS involved in this, Im the one being charged with something and could face jail time and she wants to whine about taking care of the kids all by herself.



What have you been formally charged with, Tired? What does your lawyer say about the charges? Does he/she think they are provable? Is jail time a common sentence for these charges if you are found guilty?
Yeesh!! I feel for you. Such a sudden flip of reality!!


Abuse and neglect are the charges the DA is petitioning for, all my lawyer says is wait until they serve the papers and send him a copy, yes they're could be jail time involved with this charge. Yes Beautiful such a flip my head is spinning. But Im not really surprised, she has threatened exactly this for years (one reason I stayed with her for 15 yrs).


Wow, Tired!!

On a positive note, nothing has happened yet, so it is still possible that it is isn't true. Like so many other things you have been told...
Also, I'm under the impression that a DA is very unlikely to proceed with a charge unless it is provable with concrete evidence. I don't have any knowledge about it, or any experience with that, though.
I do know it is a horrible thing to go through what you are right now!

The father of my children and his uPDm used to threaten me with CPS. They told me that if I left my husband, they would immediately have my kids taken away from me. It scared the crap out of me. I stayed longer than I should have, like you did, partly because of this fear.

Well, they did call CPS the moment they knew I had gone, alleging all sorts of things that were not remotely true.
Eventually, though, they had to prove that what they were saying happened, actually did.
And they couldn't.
Because it didn't.
After everything finally was sorted, I got 100% custody of my kids and my PDxh got access to them every other weekend.

I hope the truth comes out in your situation too, Tired, and this is quickly over. You've been through so much already.


Some years ago someone suggested taking it out of dv court and into criminal court if there were grounds as the expertise level in criminal court is higher and the consequences not so warm as fuzzy (ie abusers need access too). Is that an option for you?  It might stop the ridiculous stuff. Looks like Johnny Depp may have had similar advice😀


I think its as lready in criminal court.


Im back to no longer being able to see my children probably forever this time CPS over claims they have substantiated proof that abuse occurred. So they will take the word of a liar and bully (my ex). Whatever Im so over it.


So CPS brought the papers over for me to sign, they took custody from my ex but the kids can still live with her (doesnt really make any sense) they're are zero charges against her, but me and my entire family have been implicated in everything you can think of, he said they couldn't prove any of it but they called it substantiated anyway. So I dont know, and on top of that Im the one being accused of domestic violence and I have to face her in court.

Poison Ivy

What were the papers you were asked to sign?


Petition for court proceedings against me and my family, were accused of sexual abuse, physical abuse , im accused of DV against my ex can you believe it. This all started as a cps case against my ex in her county, but somehow shes come out lilly white and it was turned on myself and my family. The caseworker admitted they had no proof but called it substantiated anyway because it was so hard to prove.


Oh and if they keep the kids from me I still have to pay child support to her


A  number of states, including Michigan have some  draconian outdated laws that seem to favour the pd. Dh was advised to move jurisdiction. To Texas. I don't know if you're in the US but it might be worth considering in other countries too.


The caseworker is a freakin trainee and he couldnt even fill out the form right he has the girls names wrong and has them living in my county thats how he's getting his case to stick


In that case, your lawyer ought to be able to deal with it. If you are in criminal court the burden of proof is on them and seems to be lacking


Can your lawyer demand it goes up the chain to someone competent?