"The Food & Feelings Workbook: A full course meal on emotional health"

Started by Frankie, February 03, 2013, 07:10:43 AM

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This is a fabulous book!

The food and feelings workbook: a full course meal on emotional health by Karen R. Koenig, LCSW,M.Ed.
2007.  978-0-936077-20-8.


Here's the story - I read this book awhile ago and at the first of the year I decided to dust ALL my bookshelves.  Which in my house is kind of a lot.  Anyway... during the dusting process I unearthed this book.  Well.... I have been re-reading it and highlighting like crazy.

For anyone who has food issues and cannot afford therapy... this is the book for you.

Karen explains stuff.  She gives you suggested coping mechanisms.  She asks questions and gives you lines to answer them in.  She is really good.

I think it is a companion workbook to a real book, but  I never bought the real book.  Because sometimes I don't want to hear the same thing again and again from yet ANOTHER self-help author.  However - this author got it spot on.

Please - if you need to face any food issues - binge, anorexia, turning to your tried and true 'friend' food, guilt, shame, etc.  Please read this book.

5 stars.