My Ex’s BDay

Started by Artemis T, May 04, 2019, 06:45:52 PM

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Artemis T

It was my Ex's Bday On May 1st: it's been over a month since I've talked to him. And the days are getting easier, the moments of grief I have over the loss of a best friend I thought I had are getting less debilitating.
Every time I have a flash of a fond memory a voice in my head reminds me that that this person has hurt me so bad at times I wished I was dead. Idk if that's the best course of action and I don't want to hang onto bitterness to get me through, but I remind myself that the past is multifaceted. Who he is and who I miss aren't necessarily the same person.
Nonetheless I've been maintaining No Contact. No social media lurking. Day by day I feel stronger and like I have a better handle on this. I had gotten him a gift for his bday before our blow up a little over a month ago. I camera I made small payments on because I knew he wanted to get into photography. I even considered sending it to him before our last huge fight lol after everything that has transpired. So I'm donating it. I've also thrown out everything of his I've held onto. It's bittersweet and liberating.

Poison Ivy

"Who he is and who I miss aren't necessarily the same person." I had this same thought about my ex-husband yesterday.  We've been divorced for three years and he left me a few years before that.  It's still hard at times but it does get easier.