Out of the FOG

Coping with Personality Disorders => Dealing with PD Elderly Family Members => Topic started by: scapegoat/caregiver on November 03, 2019, 09:17:35 AM

Title: anti social narc mom. more value in money than people?? excluding 1 grandson
Post by: scapegoat/caregiver on November 03, 2019, 09:17:35 AM
I have gone VVVVLC to NC with narc mom who I had a big blowout fight with when I called her out on yet another lie and false promise.
i'm wondering if she will replace me with a new supply.   She is very antisocial and enjoys counting her money and things. does not seem to like people
My adult daughter is still in touch with her (flying monkey and $$$)---i'm very worried about this.
My NM manipulates with money and holds the value of money over people .... even her own daughter(me) and grandson.
triangulation technique now being used for the next generation my son and daughter.... now shunning me and my son.
just wondering if anyone has experience with antisocial narc parents/grandparents.
and if they threw everyone away to sit at home alone counting their money.
I would be ok with this...fine with me..... but wondering if she needs supply of people.  if the money and things would be good enough .

worried about my adult daughter who she is now trying to charm.
my daughter is a bit materialistic...$$$  may work with her.   also trying to destroy my family by creating problems giving to my daughter and all other grandchildren/ my boyfriend and my boyfriends son.....purposely excluding and not giving to my son. my son knows this has happened
don't know how to explain to my son he has done nothing wrong and help him
Title: Re: anti social narc mom. more value in money than people?? excluding 1 grandson
Post by: Fortuna on November 04, 2019, 09:00:11 AM
Oh, how horrible for your son. That must really sting. When my mom started doing the playing favorites thing with my kids I simply told her we weren't having it and gifting should be equal. It still ended up being more about the GC with the gifts being more her style than my younger daughters, and she always had to ask what to get for my youngest because she couldn't keep it her head what she liked. With your situation you probably have no control over if her gives it to your adult daughter.
But you may want to sit them each down separately and talk about your mom. Something like she's not quite right in the head so she thinks this is ok. It's not ok. We can't change her behavior.  For your son, depending on age you may want to leave it there. Or even just allow him to pretend she isn't his grandma, because it doesn't sound like she is, at least not to him.
For your daughter I'd go into more detail on how she used money to suck people in and get a hold onto them. If she wants to keep the gifts that's her business, but she should understand that her Grandma's behavior is hurting her brother and she should understand that. Also make sure to warn her to never accept anything that needs to be recurring like money for tuition or rent so Narc grandma can't hold that over her head.
Help the kids go in with their eyes open so they don't need to be as affected by her as they would if they are expecting a mentally healthy grandma.