staking her claim on my birthday

Started by Cat of the Canals, May 07, 2022, 12:02:23 PM

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Cat of the Canals

Not a big deal, but once you you start noticing the classic PD games, you can't unsee it. My birthday was last week. PDmom sent a gift box with the message "Your birthday is THE BEST Mother's Day for us!"

Husband: What does that even mean?
Me: My birthday is what made her a mother, so that means my birthday is also her own personal "Mother's Day."
Husband: Oh. Wow. What the hell.

(I like that she said "us" as if my dad is included in it, but MOTHER'S day makes it clear she's only talking about herself.  :roll: :roll: :roll:)

Oh, and the name of the particular gift box she sent was the "Mom Knows Best" Box.  :upsidedown:


I'm sorry, but that gave me a giggle. It's just SO typical of how they think. Especially the name of the box.

I hope you had a lovely birthday.
Don't let the narcs get you down!

Cat of the Canals

Thanks, NarcKiddo!

Her most repeated phrase when I was a child was, "Because I'm your mother and I know everything." I used to think it was a joke but I know better now.


Hope you had a lovely birthday, Cat! "Mother knows best" indeed  :roll: 

Side story: md used to send her mother/my grandmother a big bouquet of flowers every year on her/md birthday. I've not heard that she did that on her mothers actual birthday. What message does THAT send?!!

"She had not known the weight until she felt the freedom." ~Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter
"Expectations are disappointments under construction." ~Capn Spanky, The Nook circa 2005ish


WOW so your birthday is actually mother's day in disguise and then she also gets a mother's day right around the same time? Amazing.

I hope you were able to enjoy your day even though this happened... I find it very frustrating when my own PDmom uses holidays and bdays as an excuse to intrude. "But how could you be upset? I was merely trying to send you love on your birthday?!"

The mother knows best gift box really takes it up a notch, though. Good on your for seeing through shenanigans!

Cat of the Canals

Thanks, moglow and mustard_seed! I had a wonderful birthday, despite the shenanigans. She's so predictable that I find it mostly amusing at this point.


Quote from: Cat of the Canals on May 07, 2022, 12:02:23 PM
Oh, and the name of the particular gift box she sent was the "Mom Knows Best" Box.  :upsidedown:
You got the "Mom Knows Best" box???  Lucky you  ;D

It really is all about them  ::)


It's amazing the things you notice when you come Out of the FOG.  I am so sorry she treats your birthday this way!  What a convenient way to get two Mother's Days.  I hope you had an amazing birthday! 


This totally makes me giggle.    What nerve?!?    My mother used to postpone my birthday for weeks on end.    At my wedding, she caught the bouquet.....couldn't stand to have the attention off of her.    Happy Birthday!!!!!  I hope you had an amazing birthday!