Just trying to help

Started by 11JB68, February 22, 2019, 12:23:46 PM

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I've never posted on this past of the forum before. By the time I found this site I thought I had found a workplace that's also a safe haven.
However, I knew there had been some turnover and tried to do my due diligence before coming here. Almost two years and, boom. I get it now.
I knew that this one co worker had some issues, but don't we all. Hard to say to much here without giving away too much info. Anyway, I have always caused more trouble for myself by trying to be nice and helpful. And why is it that with pwPD the more you try to help the more they either reject you or take advantage.
Anyway, there was some drama/yelling. I was very upset. We talked and worked things out. I'm still very wary and distrustful of the situation. I feel like I was in a no win situation.