Left gf with borderline

Started by Disconomore, February 28, 2019, 05:26:05 PM

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I've just this past week left my girlfriend of over 2 years. She has severe BPD and refuses to acknowledge her disorder or seek treatment. She's also an alcoholic. I spoke with her Sun and Mon but have decided the only way is to completely cut off contact. I can't explain the horror show my life has become. The pain and brokenness. I'm absolutely exhausted. She wants to reconcile but this time I've had enough. I loved her deeply. But so much damage has been done it doesn't matter how much she loves me, it's all but ruined me psychologically, emotionally, financially, sexually, work, family, friends, confidence, self-esteem, my son. It's all been shit on. I understand that the relationship was only able to thrive because of my co-dependents, reluctance to leave her, and not sticking to boundaries. She was beautiful and smart and sexy and funny and loved me so much. It's really fucked me up. I know I made the right choice and I only wish she would get help. I'd never take her back but she needs treatment. The things she's done have shocked me. I don't know what to say


Welcome to Out of the FOG! You have come to the right place. I'm so sorry for all that you're going through, but know you're not alone. Browse through the toolbox, if you haven't already. Going through the 100 traits helped confirm that I made the right decision to leave stbx. He exhibits over 80 of the traits.

It doesn't always matter if they go for help, stbx did, but he controls his therapy sessions and manipulates his therapist. So it doesn't do much good. According to him, he doesn't have a problem, I'm the one with the problem.

It's hard to leave - you still feel like you're on a rollercoaster. That fades with time.

Meanwhile, post here as often as you like. You will find others have experienced similar behaviors from their loved ones.

Hang in there.
You can't destroy me if I don't care.

Being able to survive it doesn't mean it was ever ok.