I feel like the universe is trying to teach me something

Started by 11JB68, April 27, 2019, 10:19:44 PM

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I'm not saying that all of these folks have PDs.
But lately I'm realizing that I am just inundated by certain types of people. I have a customer service type job. Somehow I've ended up with this contingency of 'cranky old men' clients. Two of whom were transferred to me because my co-worker was unable to deal with them (unwilling?) I have 3 of theseguys. Those who've read my other posts know that I have a uOCPDh and uOCPD fil. So I already have more than my fair share of cranky old men.
I am exhausted by the arguing, nagging, insisting they are right, neediness etc. I'm sure the universe is trying to teach me something.
To top it off I believe the aforementioned co worker likely has a pd or sometype of issue that makes her just really difficult...she verbally accosted me about a month ago and I'm now very wary of her....


I know that feeling!!

I love this post. They call it waking up. You start to see more and more of people's behaviours are not your responsibility so you see them more objectively.

Hang in there. The lessons just keep coming for us as we live Out of the FOG. Over time the pettiness and immaturity of most customers will bother you less and less because you will strenthen your muscle and flex a lot of 'not my problem' reps that strengthen this muscle of knowing that a customers moods are not your responsibility, nor is your mood their responsibility.  Coworkers are harder to deal with because customers are short term and outta your hair eventually.

Others here may have advice about her. I think with coworkers it depends on your power differential. If she has support for her crummy behaviours that makes it harder to get them addressed. If ignoring her is an option , but its not always an option.


Thx trees. The coworker is a tough one. She was the manager, stepped down, now I'm the manager. It seems that she holds our boss hostage as she is good at her job, ours is a hard position to replace, when she gets unhappy she threatens to leave, so he appeases her. I'm hoping the next time she threatens that he calls her on it and let's her go.


I would be interested in knowing what the lesson is, once you find out.
I can't hate my way into loving myself.


I feel the same way with friendships.  Once I finally realized a close friend had been using me and I was really in a one-sided friendship, I noticed I had other similar situations.  Thankfully each one seemed to be less damaging and shorter duration, but I still see this pattern I seem to have that I always need to do more.   The good/healthy friendships don't take advantage of that and I am working to change it.  I'm finding that the saying "those who react poorly to your new boundaries are the ones who benefited the most when you had none" to be very very true.   I really feel like I've learned the lesson though, lol, I don't want any more of these types of people as friends!!!