Subtle sadistic traits? (Narcissistic Supply)

Started by rubixcube, October 23, 2019, 07:57:33 AM

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It's as if I'm in a dream, blinking really hard, stretching my neck forward because I can't believe my eyes. I'm asking myself if what I think I see is real. There will be a period of darkness, or a particular argument(basically just a narcissistic deflection session) then if I lose my cool for a minute or am visibly withdrawn or disturbed, I will see the next day this bizarre, surreal kind of mania in my uCovertB/NPDw. I am getting the sense that she is somehow getting narcissistic supply and sadistic pleasure from my suffering.

It's subtle too. She's the covert passive aggressive type(most of the time. Until the rage comes out), so she won't come out and say she enjoys my pain. But, I could be sneered at with such cold hate one night, attacked with vindictiveness, blackmail, and concealed threats, then the next morning she's smiling, looking for a morning kiss on the cheek, makes me breakfast and is interested in talking as if nothing happened the night before. No apology for her cruelty, coldness, and viciousness. Just pretend like nothing happened. No accountability. I'm starting to be convinced the sudden change is the result of sadistic narcissistic supply. What a frightening thought.

On a good note, I can feel a marked difference in my character after obsessively studying this stuff and working on my own codependent toxic inner guilt and shame, to the point where I don't JADE too much and I broken-record repeat my boundaries over and over. "I need to see a long pattern of changed behavior for me to trust you again","If you continue to get angry I am ending this conversation", "it's not acceptable to treat me this way". As soon as I kick up a boundary, she attacks me with some putdown. It's ALL deflection. Poor thing is terrified of accountability for her behaviors and would rather see her whole life fall apart in divorce than own up to her actions. It's pitiful(in the truly compassionate sense).
But, I digress...


Oh you can see that my Dad LOVES causing hassle and inconvenience for me. He loves being "in charge" and having the power to tell me what to do.

If I'm ill hes worse (like now). He loves that he can prove that he can make me do something even if I'm ill -like a test.