Just needed to share in a safe space

Started by madre, January 21, 2020, 01:58:07 PM

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 I guess I'm reaching out for some empathy and understanding from fellow sufferers, as I went through hell yesterday. I don't actually know where to start. I've always been aware that my 32 yr old was a 'bit different' but until 15 his childhood passed without too many problems. Since then its all gone repeatedly wrong, we've always thought he just made bad choices and didn't learn from his mistakes. He's had drug/gambling addictions, lost all jobs, lost his driving licence for DUI (and any chance of a job involving driving which is what he did) has a masters in lying & deception, emotional instability, lack of awareness/inhibitions etc etc. Only recently have we seen the light and realised he has a complex personality disorder, probably because his sister is now a doctor and I'm now a counsellor..... but it hasn't really helped :sadno: What good would it do to get him diagnosed? our NHS is virtually bankrupt and our local mental health service is in "special measures" with no help available it's dire. Feeling very depressed about the future :(


Welcome! You have found a good place. People here understand.
Check out the PERSONALITY DISORDERS  tab for more information and the TOOLBOX  tab for strategies that help you cope when interacting with your son.
Your son is an adult and it might be time to accept that there is very little you can do to make him change. However, you can change how you behave around him and what you are willing to tolerate. You can implement boundaries and hope that this might have an effect on him.
See you around on the boards!
I can't hate my way into loving myself.


I would research dual diagnosis treatment centers in your area. IMO that will be his only chance at recovery.

" the industry has widely held understanding that addiction and mental illness go hand in hand. Treating both is necessary for healing both. "
If there is a hidden seed of evil inside of children adults planted it there -LundyBancroft  Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong good or bad -DebbieFord The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none -Thomas Carlyle