
Started by MamaDryad, January 28, 2020, 04:24:19 PM

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I've been feeling shy about posting this because I know there's a wide range of opinion on it, but the enneagram posts made me think it might be okay: does anyone else use Tarot cards for recovery and psychological insight?

I learned to use them for divination as a young teenager and then set them aside for many years. I rediscovered them in the process of reconnecting with the things my inner child enjoys, and then I learned that they can be used for working on the self, which I've found really helpful. I use them as a journaling prompt a lot, to help keep me from writing the same things over and over, and they help me clarify my thinking when I'm feeling stuck.

I'd love to hear anyone else's experiences with this.


I have a friend who reads and the first time she read for me was so profound that I began to dabble. I do find tarot helpful for guidance and insight, sometimes for very difficult emotions and situations. I use many esoteric means for healing: journeying (drumming), reiki, EFT, meditation, others. My mantra: whatever works. 😊
Ring the bells that still can ring;
Forget your perfect offering.
There's a crack in everything ~~
That's how the Light gets in!

~~ Leonard Cohen


I have dabbled in Tarot as well, though mostly in the ways you describe, Dryad, for inner illumination. I've found it very helpful & profound.


I enjoy it as well. I find it helps me to be introspective. Sometimes It helps me to think abut situations in different ways, or to really think about my role in a situation. Sometimes I will use a card as an image to meditate on, to help me focus my mind. I sometimes use a card to journal about as well.


What I like about using them as a journal prompt is that, left to my own devices, I will find myself writing in circles (or, to put it more generously, in spirals, getting closer to the point each time but covering a lot of the same ground).

Pulling a card that isn't one of my "favorites" and writing about its role in my life forces me to shift perspective and think about aspects of a situation that normally wouldn't be foremost in my mind.

The Queen of Pentacles is coming up a lot for me lately. I think she represents self-trust for me right now, which is something that underlies a lot of my damage. I don't know how to trust myself, and without that, it's hard to find (and to trust that I've found) balance in any part of life.