Mr brothers don’t exist

Started by Concerned One, August 19, 2020, 03:58:07 AM

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Concerned One

I always thought my two brothers seemed to have no soul. Now I know why.

Having recently come to the realisation that I was abandoned by my parents whilst growing up with them simultaneously it now occurs to me that my brothers don't exist.

Their souls/psyche were systematically destroyed so they don't have minds of their own. They have mother's mind.

When mother dropped her mask the other day I could hear my brother in her. That sneering condescension that he does. Then I realised. That's not him. That's her. That's where he got it from.

When they abuse me with their discarding or verbal abuse that's not then. That's mother. They are merely her proxies. Wow.

Concerned One

And mother in turn doesn't have her own mind. She has someone else's mind from the religious cult she was born into.

And on and on it goes. Someone's mind working through the bodies of others. You want immortality? That's how you do it.


They really don't know any better. There's no hope either, for my siblings.
I thought there was some hope a few years ago. I arranged a meeting and I spoke to them about family dysfunction. I'd put some feelers out about it and I was hoping we could all move Out of the FOG, even the Golden Child.
I got there. They had already set their agenda. Turns out they were just humouring me because they wanted to persuade me to pay upfront for our father's funeral when he passes over.
This was their reason for meeting. To talk about our dad's  funeral costs!
I said no so then, no more meetings and no interest shown in what I'd said about the family being dysfunctional. They don't want to know. Ostriches all three.