PD book recommendations

Started by doglover99, December 01, 2020, 01:31:00 AM

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Does anyone have any recommendations for books revolving around Personality Disorders? More specifically growing up with PD parents. I have recently learned that I have grown up in a PD family and am interested in books focused on the topic.
Appreciate any recommendations.

Starboard Song

My signature includes the resources that my wife and I found most helpful.

The top line are dedicated to self-healing, and the second line is the tactical stuff of dealing with a PD person or an estrangement.
Radical Acceptance, by Brach   |   Self-Compassion, by Neff    |   Mindfulness, by Williams   |   The Book of Joy, by the Dalai Lama and Tutu
Healing From Family Rifts, by Sichel   |  Stop Walking on Egshells, by Mason    |    Emotional Blackmail, by Susan Forward

Penny Lane

Will I Ever be Good Enough?
The Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists

Both very informative.

If you're looking for a how to guide, lots of people have recommended Stop Caretaking the Borderline or Narcissist. And Bill Eddy has a lot of great books on effectively interacting with difficult people.


Hi Penny Lane,

I'd like to recommend 'Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.' It is not specifically about PDs however it would b a good supplement to your other  reading material about PDs since it addresses the kinds of coping mechanisms children of emotionally immature parents have.

I reviewed in on a separate board.