New/believe brother is undiagnosed with NPD

Started by Sis2021, April 26, 2021, 01:29:52 PM

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I’m new to learning about NPD. I suspect my little brother has this disorder, and the more I research(“google”) ways to help him or be able to fix our family, the more I get discouraged. We had our biggest argument about a year ago and have not talked since. He has regained communication with my parents and allows me to take care of his daughters/my nieces. I have a great relationship with my sister in law but no communication to him. I don’t know if I’m being selfish for wanting to fix our relationship or if I should just leave him alone and let things be. I know it hurts my parents seeing us avoid each other. On the other hand I feel more at peace knowing he has nothing to blow up at me for me for since I no longer try to communicate. Do I keep trying or give up? Also, it sounds like this behavior is carrying over to my sister in law. I absolutely adore my nieces and I just want to help if possible.


welcome to the forum sis2021-

i am so sorry that  possible NPD has come between the you and your brother, and could possibly damage the relationship you have with your SIL and dear nieces too.

each situation like this is unique because of the boundaries we set as individuals with the uPD/PD people in our lives as well as how they respond to those boundaries.  a lot of what happens next depends on what behaviors you will/ will not tolerate from him if move forward and try to reconcile- and that may all depend on what your blow out was about and what has happened since then.

when you are ready to share more we're listening-