New year new me

Started by Gettintired76, January 07, 2022, 10:42:30 AM

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She is lying to you. CPS did not restrict your contact. If they did, you would have heard it from them directly.


What I figured, typical of her, she threw a fit because I asked my son how his sister was.


I don't understand why CPS hasn't contacted you yet.


If you were not allowed contact and supervision was required, you would DEFINITELY have been informed.
Why do you accept what your ex tells you?


I don't really, not anymore anyway, they have tried to get ahold of me twice but we are playing phone tag, I hopefully will get ahold of the caseworker tomorrow.


Ok, so I spoke to CPS and got exactly nowhere, she basically said it was impossible for a woman to control a man, and that there was no way he could have done anything to my daughter because "the neighbors didn't see anything and wouldn't have let that happen". And she was like "It sounds like you have a legal issue not a CPS issue."


Fucking hell.

Fucking hell.


The neighbors are his ex con buddies who of course are going to cover for them. I've seen pics of the house they live in, the outside looks like a shack. The inside is relatively nice tho.


You have a lawyer. This isn't over.

Also, btw, lie exposed...CPS didn't tell you that your access to your children is barred.


Is it going to be any different with the lawyer I mean really, am I just supposed to sit and wait for him to kill one of them and then maybe something happens? I'm sorry but things my daughter has done, and the details she has used are too striking to ignore. And it was like the CPS lady just could not grasp the concept of the kids and maybe even the neighbors being scared of him and her. That the kids have had it ingrained in them not to trust CPS. She acted like she didn't believe me when I told my ex liked to "play" the system and knew how to get out of stuff with them, that it was game to her.


But I was told they were fine and basically leave well enough alone. Her exact words were "no man would tell me what to do with my kids"


That's what I have to deal with here, even amongst my own family. "Why did you stay so long?" "It's your fault" "you let her do it" "you were the man" It very discouraging at times.  A friend of my sister even said that he had no sympathy for abuse victims that they wouldn't be in that position if they didn't want it.


I wanted to reply on the thread effects of divorce from pd on children, it seems it's locked so I will reply on here. We didn't divorce because we were never married but I believe the effects are the same either way. Now we are still in the early stages of the break up, even tho she has already remarried and moved away, the effects I seen from my kids living with her so far is, my son now looks miserable, depressed and exhausted, he is conflicted, he tells me things then backtracks when It comes out to her, all he talks about is wanting to drink and do any drugs he can get his hands on. My middle daughter is having more violent outbursts , exhibiting extremely sexual and disturbing behaviors, have trouble at school ( all of which calms down dramatically when I have her in my care). My youngest is filled with so much rage, against me for leaving, I don't know against the entire world maybe? But she is such a sweet child otherwise.  (Her favorite thing is to play store, church, school or vet hospital with her big sister.) I hope that once this all gets settled I can give them a much more settled life. Away from the confusion, aggression, instability and inconsistency that has been there life til now. I hope I can report in the future as some here have, that marked improvements my children have made.


Hon, I don't know what will happen. I don't know if the lawyer will get it. I just know you have to try, you have to fight.

I know that the people at CPS or DV shelters or medical professionals or lawyers, some of them get it, really get it, and some of them have their heads so far up their asses there is no hope.

Keep going. Keep going.


If he did that to her.... Isn't that attempted murder?



I spoke to the supervisor at CPS we had a nice long talk about the case, and she is very concerned about a lot of things and agreed they were major red flags.


She took my number so I could be kept in the loop


Ok. Hope something comes of it.


Me too I'm afraid all hell is going to break loose tonight. My ex has threatened to my entire family and her entire family. Stating that she wasn't afraid to go to jail.