There is a cure for histrionic possibly bpd ( spirtual enlightenment)

Started by Shaunbal, February 05, 2022, 12:42:58 AM

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Hello im a histrionic male  , ive been raised in a spiritual ashram since i was 3, i had my first experience of some enlightenment at 23, it felt like one month of indescribable metaphysical orgasmic spiritual ecstasy bliss, i think what some christians call rapture , and what is called ananda in sikh scriptures, if i go to temple 10 times a month and do karma yoga( volunteering ) and devotional yoga( meditation by being madly in love with my guru/god/everyone and putting others happiness above my own ) then i can remain in day and night orgasmic ecstasy, in this state all negative aspects of my disorder virtually do not effect me , no longer bipolar , no longer sensitive, no longer angry , no longer depressed, no longer despair and sorrow , no longer compulsive, in yoga what is you your emotions your thoughts your behaviors your addictions your identity  is called your karma, its your software , but with yoga your software cant touch you so you can live a progressive and joyful life , so to anyone with histrionic partners there is hope because histrionics have a soft heart which is a perfect fit for devotional yoga , but as far as narcissists ive never ever seen a narcissist ever become enlightened, my mom has been going to the ashram as long as me and she is still the same , it does change her a bit like shes happier when she volunteers or meets my guru she maybe even genuinely wants to be good sometimes but i dont think any real transformation is possible, they say you would have to do good karma in past lives to finally get enlightened in life , narcissists just have a stone heart and too insecure and stubborn

For anyone interested in spirituality, there is really only 2 main paths , 1) awareness ( mediatation by observing your thoughts or breath )
2) devotion ( being madly in love with your object of devotion and putting others happiness above your own )

Path of awareness is much longer and theres no orgasmic bliss but there is signposts

Path of devotion is much more orgasmic , and much faster but its not for the thinking mind someone who thinks their smart and you need a soft heart for this which is perfect for the histrionic but there is no signposts

In any case no spiritual success can happen without the 3 necessitates

1) a true guru to dispense the energy metaphysically ( there are many fake gurus)
2) the sangha ( the true spirtual congregation) , there is metaphysical energy when sitting with a true congregation, bliss rubs off on you , sitting with people who are conscious with no addictions rubs of on you and your compulsiveness drops
3) the inner experience of connection with god

These theree things guatuama the buddha declared are needed  also all enlightened beings except jiddhu krishnamurti